Worktory is a python library created with the single purpose of simplifying the inventory management of network automation scripts.

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Welcome to Worktory's documentation!

Worktory is a python library created with the single purpose of simplifying the inventory management of network automation scripts.

As the network automation ecosystem grows, several connection plugins and parsers are available, and several times choosing a library or a connection plugin restricts all the devices to the same connection method.

Worktory tries to solve that problem giving the developer total flexibility for choosing the connector plugin and parsers for each device, at the same time that exposes a single interface for every plugin.


Worktory is available in PyPI, to install run:

$ pip install worktory

Using worktory

Sample Inventory

devices = [
            'name': 'sandbox-iosxr-1',
            'hostname': '',
            'platform': 'cisco_iosxr',
            'username': 'admin',
            'password': 'C1sco12345',
            'groups': ['CORE'],
            'connection_manager': 'scrapli',
            'select_parsers' : 'genie',
            'mode': 'async',
            'transport': 'asyncssh',
            'name': 'sandbox-nxos-1',
            'hostname': '',
            'platform': 'cisco_nxos',
            'username': 'admin',
            'password': 'Admin_1234!',
            'groups': ['CORE'],
            'select_parsers' : 'ntc',
            'connection_manager': 'scrapli',
            'mode': 'async',
            'transport': 'asyncssh'
            'name': 'sandbox-nxos-2',
            'hostname': '',
            'platform': 'nxos',
            'username': 'admin',
            'password': 'Admin_1234!',
            'groups': ['EDGE'],
            'connection_manager': 'unicon',
            'mode': 'sync',
            'transport': 'ssh',
            'POST_DISCONNECT_WAIT_SEC': 0,
            'name': 'sandbox-iosxr-2',
            'hostname': '',
            'platform': 'cisco_iosxr',
            'username': 'admin',
            'password': 'C1sco12345',
            'groups': ['CORE'],
            'connection_manager': 'scrapli',
            'select_parsers' : 'genie',
            'mode': 'sync',

Collecting Running config from async devices

from worktory import InventoryManager
import asyncio
inventory = InventoryManager(devices)

device_configs = {}
async def get_config(device):
    await device.connect()
    config = await device.execute("show running-config")
    device_configs[] = config
    await device.disconnect()

async def async_main():
    coros = [get_config(device) for device in inventory.filter(mode='async')]
    await asyncio.gather(*coros)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Collecting Running config from sync devices

from worktory import InventoryManager
from multiprocessing import Pool
inventory = InventoryManager(devices)

def get_config(device_name):
    inventory = InventoryManager(devices)
    device = inventory.devices[device_name]
    config = device.execute("show running-config")
    return ( , config )

def main():
    devs = [ for device in inventory.filter(mode='sync')]
    with Pool(2) as p:
        return, devs)

output = main()
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