This is a JAX implementation of Neural Radiance Fields for learning purposes.



This is a JAX implementation of Neural Radiance Fields for learning purposes.

I've been curious about NeRF and its follow-up work for a while, but don't have much time to explore it. I learn best by doing, so I'll be implementing stuff here to try to get a feel for it.


The steps to using this codebase are as follows:

  1. Generate a dataset - run a simple Go program to turn any .stl 3D model into a series of rendered camera views with associated metadata.
  2. Train a model - install the Python dependencies and run the training script.
  3. Render a novel view - render a novel view of the object using a model.

Generating a dataset

I use a simple format for storing rendered views of the scene. Each frame is stored as a PNG file, and each PNG has an accompanying JSON file describing the camera view.

For easy experimentation, I created a Go program to render an arbitrary .stl file as a collection of views in the supported data format. To run this program, install Go and run go get . inside of simple_dataset/ to get the dependencies. Next, run

$ go run . /path/to/model.stl data_dir

This will create a directory data_dir containing rendered views of /path/to/model.stl.

Training a model

First, install the learn_nerf package by running pip install -e . inside this repository. You should separately make sure jax and Flax are installed in your environment.

The training script is learn_nerf/scripts/ Here's an example of running this script:

python learn_nerf/scripts/ \
    --lr 1e-5 \
    --batch_size 1024 \
    --save_path model_weights.pkl \

This will periodically save model weights to model_weights.pkl. The script may get stuck on training... while it shuffles the dataset and compiles the training graph. Wait a minute or two, and losses should start printing out as training ramps up.

If you get a Segmentation fault on CPU, this may be because you don't have enough memory to run batch size 1024--try something lower.

Render a novel view

To render a view from a trained NeRF model, use learn_nerf/scripts/ Here's an example of the usage:

python learn_nerf/scripts/ \
    --batch_size 1024 \
    --model_path model_weights.pkl \
    --width 128 \
    --height 128 \
    /path/to/data_dir/0000.json \

In the above example, we will render the camera view described by /path/to/data_dir/0000.json. Note that the camera view can be from the training set, but doesn't need to be as long as its in the correct JSON format.

Alex Nichol
Web developer, math geek, and AI enthusiast.
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