Stratified Transformer for 3D Point Cloud Segmentation (CVPR 2022)


Stratified Transformer for 3D Point Cloud Segmentation

Xin Lai*, Jianhui Liu*, Li Jiang, Liwei Wang, Hengshuang Zhao, Shu Liu, Xiaojuan Qi, Jiaya Jia

This is the official PyTorch implementation of our paper Stratified Transformer for 3D Point Cloud Segmentation that has been accepted to CVPR 2022. [arXiv]


  1. Our method (Stratified Transformer) achieves the state-of-the-art performance on 3D point cloud semantic segmentation on both S3DIS and ScanNetv2 datasets. It is the first time for a point-based method to outperform the voxel-based ones, such as SparseConvNet and MinkowskiNet;
  2. Stratified Transformer is point-based, and constructed by Transformer with standard multi-head self-attention, enjoying large receptive field, robust generalization ability as well as competitive performance;
  3. This repository develops a memory-efficient implementation to combat the issue of variant-length tokens with several CUDA kernels, avoiding unnecessary momery occupation of vacant tokens. We also use shared memory for further acceleration.

Get Started


Install dependencies (we recommend using conda and pytorch>=1.8.0 for quick installation, but 1.6.0+ should work with this repo)

# install torch_points3d

# If you use conda and pytorch>=1.8.0, (this enables quick installation)
conda install pytorch-cluster -c pyg
conda install pytorch-sparse -c pyg
conda install pyg -c pyg
pip install torch_points3d

# Otherwise,
pip install torch_points3d

Install other dependencies

pip install tensorboard timm termcolor tensorboardX

If you meet issues with the above commands, you can also directly install the environment via pip install -r requirements.txt.

Make sure you have installed gcc and cuda, and nvcc can work (Note that if you install cuda by conda, it won't provide nvcc and you should install cuda manually.). Then, compile and install pointops2 as follows. (We have tested on gcc==7.5.0 and cuda==10.1)

cd lib/pointops2
python3 install

Datasets Preparation


Please refer to for S3DIS preprocessing. Then modify the data_root entry in the .yaml configuration file.


Please refer to for the ScanNetv2 preprocessing. Then change the data_root entry in the .yaml configuration file accordingly.



  • Stratified Transformer
python3 --config config/s3dis/s3dis_stratified_transformer.yaml
  • 3DSwin Transformer (The vanilla version shown in our paper)
python3 --config config/s3dis/s3dis_swin3d_transformer.yaml


  • Stratified Transformer
python3 --config config/scannetv2/scannetv2_stratified_transformer.yaml
  • 3DSwin Transformer (The vanilla version shown in our paper)
python3 --config config/scannetv2/scannetv2_swin3d_transformer.yaml

Note: It is normal to see the the results on S3DIS fluctuate between -0.5% and +0.5% mIoU maybe because the size of S3DIS is relatively small, while the results on ScanNetv2 are relatively stable.


For testing, first change the model_path, save_folder and data_root_val (if applicable) accordingly. Then, run the following command.

python3 --config [YOUR_CONFIG_PATH]

Pre-trained Models

For your convenience, you can download the pre-trained models and training/testing logs from Here.


If you find this project useful, please consider citing:

  title     = {Stratified Transformer for 3D Point Cloud Segmentation},
  author    = {Xin Lai, Jianhui Liu, Li Jiang, Liwei Wang, Hengshuang Zhao, Shu Liu, Xiaojuan Qi, Jiaya Jia},
  booktitle = {CVPR},
  year      = {2022}
DV Lab
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DV Lab
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