`charts.css.py` brings `charts.css` to Python. Online documentation and samples is available at the link below.



charts.css.py provides a python API to convert your 2-dimension data lists into html snippet, which will be rendered into charts by CSS, when serving inside a browser.

  • The output of charts.css.py is not images. Consequently, charts.css.py is a pure Python package without any image library dependency. You can use charts.css.py on any platform.
  • The output of charts.css.py is a normal HTML table. Search engines and screen readers will be able to consume your data even when CSS rendering is unavailable.
  • Once the html snippet is delivered into the browser window, the rendering is done by CSS, which is typically faster than JS-heavy chart libraries.
  • Since the output is normal HTML, you could customize its size and position, by defining your own CSS styles.


pip install charts.css.py


Just combine the output of charts.css.py functions and the predefined CSS style <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/charts.css/dist/charts.min.css"> into your html page.

For example, the following code snippet can convert a 2-dimension list into column chart:

from charts.css import column
STYLESHEET = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/charts.css/dist/charts.min.css">'
chart = column(
        ["Continent", "1st year", "2nd year", "3rd year", "4th year", "5th year"],
        ["Asia", 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 75.0],
        ["Euro", 40.0, 60.0, 75.0, 90.0, 100.0],
# Now, variable chart contains html snippet of "<table>...</table>", and
# STYLESHEET is just a constant string of "<link href='https://.../charts.css'>".
# You can somehow insert them into the proper places of your full html page.
# Here in this sample, we take a shortcut by simply concatenating them.
open("output.html", "w").write(STYLESHEET + chart)

The output.html will be rendered in browser like this:

Sample output

Advanced Usage

There are currently 4 different charts implemented: bar, column, line, area. All those methods support many parameters to further customize the chart appearance. bar() and column() also support stacking by value or stacking by percentage. All those features are demonstrated in the different samples in this document.

Lastly, this package also provides a command-line tool csv2chart. You can use it to convert csv file into an html file. For example, csv2chart sample.csv output.html. You can also run csv2chart -h to know all the parameters it supports.


charts.css.py uses Semantic Versioning.

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  • charts.css.py 0.4.0

    charts.css.py 0.4.0

    This release adds some helper and parameters to help you fine tune the chart appearance. They are especially useful when you attempt to render some csv data input with many rows.

    • Feature: A transpose(...) helper to flip your input data diagonally so that it swaps its x-axis and y-axis.
    • Feature: New parameter hide_label. It is useful when primary axis contains too many rows.
    • Feature: New parameter tooltip_builder which has a shape of lambda value="...", label="...": "...".
    • Feature: New parameter value_converter which typically will be assigned with either int or float.
    • Change: By default, data axes will no longer be shown. You can turn it back on by the new show_data_axes parameter.

    The online documentation will be updated to demonstrate these new features.

    opened by rayluo 0
  • Release 0.3.0

    Release 0.3.0

    • Line chart should not accept non-zero data_spacing or datasets_spacing. Now it would rightfully reject such an input.
    • Provide an online document/sample
    • Backport to Brython 3.7 and 3.8. The recommended Brython version is still its latest version, currently 3.9.
    opened by rayluo 0
  • charts.css.py 0.1.0

    charts.css.py 0.1.0

    The first release contains:

    • Basic functionality including bar, column, line and area
    • An experimental helper wrapper
    • Barely enough documentation in README.md
    • Also comes with a command-line tool csv2chart. I use it for my ad-hoc test. Let me know if you find it useful.
    opened by rayluo 0
  • 0.4.0(Jun 27, 2021)

    This release adds some helper and parameters to help you fine tune the chart appearance. They are especially useful when you attempt to render some csv data input with many rows.

    • Feature: A transpose(...) helper to flip your input data diagonally so that it swaps its x-axis and y-axis.
    • Feature: New parameter value_converter which typically will be assigned with either int or float. With its help, now you can consume data directly from csv by data = list(csv.reader(f)).
    • Feature: New parameter hide_label. It is useful when primary axis contains too many rows.
    • Feature: New parameter tooltip_builder which has a shape of lambda value="...", label="...": "...".
    • Change: By default, data axes will no longer be shown. You can turn it back on by the new show_data_axes parameter.

    The online documentation ~will be~ has been updated to demonstrate these new features.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    charts.css.py-brython.js(8.11 KB)
  • 0.3.0(May 23, 2021)

    • Line chart should not accept non-zero data_spacing or datasets_spacing. Now it would rightfully reject such an input.
    • Provide an online document/sample
    • Backport to Brython 3.7 and 3.8. The recommended Brython version is still its latest version, currently 3.9.
    • Also hosted as a Brython package which can be used by <script src="https://github.com/rayluo/charts.css.py/releases/download/0.3.0/charts.css.py-brython.js"></script>. Requires Brython 3.7.5 or above.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    charts.css.py-brython.js(7.20 KB)
  • 0.2.0(May 17, 2021)

  • 0.1.0(May 14, 2021)

    The first release contains:

    • Basic functionality including bar, column, line and area
    • An experimental helper wrapper
    • Barely enough documentation in README.md
    • Also comes with a command-line tool csv2chart. I use it for my ad-hoc test. Let me know if you find it useful.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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