A set of examples around hub for creating and processing datasets

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Examples for Hub - Dataset Format for AI

A repository showcasing examples of using Hub

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Getting Started with Hub 🚀


Hub is written in 100% python and can be quickly installed using pip.

pip3 install hub

Creating Datasets

A hub dataset can be created in various locations (Storage providers). This is how the paths for each of them would look like:

Storage provider Example path
Hub cloud hub://user_name/dataset_name
AWS S3 s3://bucket_name/dataset_name
GCP gcp://bucket_name/dataset_name
Local storage path to local directory
In-memory mem://dataset_name

Let's create a dataset in the Hub cloud. Create a new account with Hub from the terminal using activeloop register if you haven't already. You will be asked for a user name, email id and passowrd. The user name you enter here will be used in the dataset path.

$ activeloop register
Enter your details. Your password must be atleast 6 characters long.

Initialize an empty dataset in the hub cloud:

import hub

ds = hub.empty("hub://<USERNAME>/test-dataset")

Next, create a tensor to hold images in the dataset we just initialized:

images = ds.create_tensor("images", htype="image", sample_compression="jpg")

Assuming you have a list of image file paths, lets upload them to the dataset:

image_paths = ...
with ds:
    for image_path in image_paths:
        image = hub.read(image_path)

Alternatively, you can also upload numpy arrays. Since the images tensor was created with sample_compression="jpg", the arrays will be compressed with jpeg compression.

import numpy as np

with ds:
    for _ in range(1000):  # 1000 random images
        radnom_image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (100, 100, 3))  # 100x100 image with 3 channels

Loading Datasets

You can load the dataset you just created with a single line of code:

import hub

ds = hub.load("hub://<USERNAME>/test-dataset")

You can also access other publicly available hub datasets, not just the ones you created. Here is how you would load the Objectron Bikes Dataset:

import hub

ds = hub.load('hub://activeloop/objectron_bike_train')

To get the first image in the Objectron Bikes dataset in numpy format:

image_arr = ds.image[0].numpy()


Getting started guides, examples, tutorials, API reference, and other usage information can be found on our documentation page.

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