Computer Vision is an elective course of MSAI, SCSE, NTU, Singapore


[AI6121] Computer Vision

====== I M P O R T A N T ======

The content in this repository should exclusively be utilized in sharing solutions for projects, communicating ideas for related problems, and references to similar assignments. If you are a student facing an assignment with the same or similar topics, you can use this repository as a reference, while the final report should include the citations of the repository. If you submit an assignment without proper acknowledgment after referring to this repository, you may be considered PLAGIARISM by your instructor, and the author will not pay ANY responsibility for this. Please refer to your teacher's and your school's instructions for the determination of academic integrity.

Moreover, if you are taking the AI6121 course, do not be stupid. You can utilize the materials here as a reference to construct your own assignment and reflect the citation to this repository in the final report. If you copy the code without citing it, you have violated NTU's academic integrity and are involved in plagiarism.

Please refer to the following links for NTU's determination of academic integrity and plagiarism:

If you think the professor is easy to fool, think again.
You know who you are.

====== D I S C L A I M E R ======

This repository should only be used for reasonable academic discussions. I, the owner of this repository, never and will never ALLOWING another student to copy this assignment as their own. In such circumstances, I do not violate NTU's statement on academic integrity as of the time this repository is open (15/01/2022). I am not responsible for any future plagiarism using the content of this repository.

====== I N T R O D U C T I O N ======

[AI6121] Computer Vision is an elective course of Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence Graduate Programme (MSAI), School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. The repository corresponds to the AI6121 of Semester 1, AY2021-2022, starting from 08/2021. The instructor of this course is Prof. Lu Shijian.

The projects of this course consist of two individual Assignments, one individual Literature Review, and one group Project. The topic and score of the assignment are shown below. Since multiple people complete the group work, I do not have the right to disclose the report, others' codes, and grades individually so that the relevant parts will be hidden, and the group project only presents part of the code and report finished by myself.

In addition, the generated output image is not given in the file in order to save space since all the source code has been provided. Data are uploaded after all output folders are emptied.

Type Topic Grade
Assignment 1 Histogram Equalization 20.0 / 20.0
Assignment 2 Disparity Map 18.5 / 20.0
Literature Review Self-supervised Image Denoise 20.0 / 20.0
Group Project Neural Network N.A. / 40.0

====== A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T ======

All of above projects are designed by Prof. Lu Shijian.

HT. Li
HT. Li
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Deep Learning as a Cloud API Service.

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Probabilistic Entity Representation Model for Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs

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🌳 A Python-inspired implementation of the Optimum-Path Forest classifier.

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MINOS: Multimodal Indoor Simulator

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