An interpreter for RASP as described in the ICML 2021 paper "Thinking Like Transformers"

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Deep LearningRASP



Mac or Linux

Run ./ . It will create a python3 virtual environment and install the dependencies for RASP. It will also try to install graphviz (the non-python part) and rlwrap on your machine. If these fail, you will still be able to use RASP, however: the interface will not be as nice without rlwrap, and drawing s-op computation flows will not be possible without graphviz. After having set up, you can run ./ to start the RASP read-evaluate-print-loop.


Follow the instructions given in windows instructions.txt


After having set up, if you are in mac/linux, you can run ./ to start the RASP REPL. Otherwise, run python3 RASP_support/ Use Ctrl+C to quit a partially entered command, and Ctrl+D to exit the REPL.

Initial Environment

RASP starts with the base s-ops: tokens, indices, and length. It also has the base functions select, aggregate, and selector_width as described in the paper, a selector full_s created through select(1,1,==) that creates a "full" attention pattern, and several other library functions (check out RASP_support/rasplib.rasp to see them).

Additionally, the REPL begins with a base example, "hello", on which it shows the output for each created s-op or selector. This example can be changed, and toggled on and off, through commands to the REPL.

All RASP commands end with a semicolon. Commands to the REPL -- such as changing the base example -- do not.

Start by following along with the examples -- they are kept at the bottom of this readme.

Note on input types:

RASP expects inputs in four forms: strings, integers, floats, or booleans, handled respectively by tokens_str, tokens_int, tokens_float, and tokens_bool. Initially, RASP loads with tokens set to tokens_str, this can be changed by assignment, e.g.: tokens=tokens_int;. When changing the input type, you will also want to change the base example, e.g.: set example [0,1,2].

Note that assignments do not retroactively change the computation trees of existing s-ops!

Writing and Loading RASP files

To keep and load RASP code from files, save them with .rasp as the extension, and use the 'load' command without the extension. For example, you can load the examples file paper_examples.rasp in this repository to the REPL as follows:

>> load "paper_examples";

This will make (almost) all values in the file available in the loading environment (whether the REPL, or a different .rasp file): values whose names begin with an underscore remain private to the file they are written in. Loading files in the REPL will also print a list of all loaded values.

Syntax Highlighting

For the Sublime Text editor, you can get syntax highlighting for .rasp files as follows:

  1. Install package control for sublime (you might already have it: look in the menu [Sublime Text]->[Preferences] and see if it's there. If not, follow the instructions at
  2. Install the 'packagedev' package through package control ([Sublime Text]->[Preferences]->[Package Control], then type [install package], then [packagedev])
  3. After installing PackageDev, create a new syntax definition file through [Tools]->[Packages]->[Package Development]->[New Syntax Definition].
  4. Copy the contents of RASP_support/RASP.sublime-syntax into the new syntax definition file, and save it as RASP.sublime-syntax.

[Above is basically following the instructions in , and then copying in the contents of the provided RASP.sublime-syntax file]


Play around in the REPL!

Try simple elementwise manipulations of s-ops:

>>  threexindices =3 * indices;
     s-op: threexindices
 	 Example: threexindices("hello") = [0, 3, 6, 9, 12] (ints)
>> indices+indices;
     s-op: out
 	 Example: out("hello") = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] (ints)

Change the base example, and create a selector that focuses each position on all positions before it:

>> set example "hey"
>> prevs=select(indices,indices,<);
     selector: prevs
 			     h e y
 			 h |      
 			 e | 1    
 			 y | 1 1  

Check the output of an s-op on your new base example:

>> threexindices;
     s-op: threexindices
 	 Example: threexindices("hey") = [0, 3, 6] (ints)

Or on specific inputs:

>> threexindices(["hi","there"]);
	 =  [0, 3] (ints)
>> threexindices("hiya");
	 =  [0, 3, 6, 9] (ints)

Aggregate with the full selection pattern (loaded automatically with the REPL) to compute the proportion of a letter in your input:

>> full_s;
     selector: full_s
 			     h e y
 			 h | 1 1 1
 			 e | 1 1 1
 			 y | 1 1 1
>> my_frac=aggregate(full_s,indicator(tokens=="e"));
     s-op: my_frac
 	 Example: my_frac("hey") = [0.333]*3 (floats)

Note: when an s-op's output is identical in all positions, RASP simply prints the output of one position, followed by " * X" (where X is the sequence length) to mark the repetition.

Check if a letter is in your input at all:

>> "e" in tokens;
     s-op: out
 	 Example: out("hey") = [T]*3 (bools)

Alternately, in an elementwise fashion, check if each of your input tokens belongs to some group:

>> vowels = ["a","e","i","o","u"];
     list: vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
>> tokens in vowels;
     s-op: out
 	 Example: out("hey") = [F, T, F] (bools)

Draw the computation flow for an s-op you have created, on an input of your choice: (this will create a pdf in a subfolder comp_flows of the current directory)

>> draw(my_frac,"abcdeeee");
	 =  [0.5]*8 (floats)

Or simply on the base example:

>> draw(my_frac);
	 =  [0.333]*3 (floats)

If they bother you, turn the examples off, and bring them back when you need them:

>> examples off
>> indices;
     s-op: indices
>> full_s;
     selector: full_s
>> examples on
>> indices;
     s-op: indices
 	 Example: indices("hey") = [0, 1, 2] (ints)

You can also do this selectively, turning only selector or s-op examples on and off, e.g.: selector examples off.

Create a selector that focuses each position on all other positions containing the same token. But first, set the base example to "hello" for a better idea of what's happening:

>> set example "hello"
>> same_token=select(tokens,tokens,==);
     selector: same_token
 			     h e l l o
 			 h | 1        
 			 e |   1      
 			 l |     1 1  
 			 l |     1 1  
 			 o |         1

Then, use selector_width to compute, for each position, how many other positions the selector same_token focuses it on. This effectively computes an in-place histogram over the input:

>> histogram=selector_width(same_token);
     s-op: histogram
 	 Example: histogram("hello") = [1, 1, 2, 2, 1] (ints)

For more complicated examples, check out paper_examples.rasp!

Experiments on Transformers

The transformers in the paper were trained, and their attention heatmaps visualised, using the code in this repository:

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