Pytorch implementation of the paper DocEnTr: An End-to-End Document Image Enhancement Transformer.




Pytorch implementation of the paper DocEnTr: An End-to-End Document Image Enhancement Transformer. This model is implemented on top of the vit-pytorch vision transformers library. The proposed model can be used to enhance (binarize) degraded document images, as shown in the following samples.

Degraded Images Our Binarization
1 2
1 2

Download Code

clone the repository:

git clone
cd DocEnTr


  • install requirements.txt

Process Data

Data Path

We gathered the DIBCO, H-DIBCO and PALM datasets and organized them in one folder. You can download it from this link. After downloading, extract the folder named DIBCOSETS and place it in your desired data path. Means: /YOUR_DATA_PATH/DIBCOSETS/

Data Splitting

Specify the data path, split size, validation and testing sets to prepare your data. In this example, we set the split size as (256 X 256), the validation set as 2016 and the testing as 2018 while running the file.

python --data_path /YOUR_DATA_PATH/ --split_size 256 --testing_dataset 2018 --validation_dataset 2016

Using DocEnTr


For training, specify the desired settings (batch_size, patch_size, model_size, split_size and training epochs) when running the file For example, for a base model with a patch_size of (16 X 16) and a batch_size of 32 we use the following command:

python --data_path /YOUR_DATA_PATH/ --batch_size 32 --vit_model_size base --vit_patch_size 16 --epochs 151 --split_size 256 --validation_dataset 2016

You will get visualization results from the validation dataset on each epoch in a folder named vis+"YOUR_EXPERIMENT_SETTINGS" (it will be created). In the previous case it will be named visbase_256_16. Also, the best weights will be saved in the folder named "weights".

Testing on a DIBCO dataset

To test the trained model on a specific DIBCO dataset (should be matched with the one specified in Section Process Data, if not, run again). Download the model weights (In section Model Zoo), or use your own trained model weights. Then, run the following command. Here, I test on H-DIBCO 2018, using the Base model with 8X8 patch_size, and a batch_size of 16. The binarized images will be in the folder ./vis+"YOUR_CONFIGS_HERE"/epoch_testing/

python --data_path /YOUR_DATA_PATH/ --model_weights_path  /THE_MODEL_WEIGHTS_PATH/  --batch_size 16 --vit_model_size base --vit_patch_size 8 --split_size 256 --testing_dataset 2018


To be added ... (Using our Pretrained Models To Binarize A Single Degraded Image)

Model Zoo

In this section we release the pre-trained weights for all the best DocEnTr model variants trained on DIBCO benchmarks.

Testing data Models Patch size URL PSNR
DIBCO 2011
DocEnTr-Base 8x8 model 20.81
DocEnTr-Large 16x16 model 20.62
H-DIBCO 2012
DocEnTr-Base 8x8 model 22.29
DocEnTr-Large 16x16 model 22.04
DIBCO 2017
DocEnTr-Base 8x8 model 19.11
DocEnTr-Large 16x16 model 18.85
H-DIBCO 2018
DocEnTr-Base 8x8 model 19.46
DocEnTr-Large 16x16 model 19.47


If you find this useful for your research, please cite it as follows:

  title={DocEnTr: An end-to-end document image enhancement transformer},
  author={ Souibgui, Mohamed Ali and Biswas, Sanket and  Jemni, Sana Khamekhem and Kessentini, Yousri and Forn{\'e}s, Alicia and Llad{\'o}s, Josep and Pal, Umapada},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.10252},



There should be no bugs in this code, but if there is, we are sorry for that :') !!

Mohamed Ali Souibgui
PhD Student in Computer Vision
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