A particular navigation route using satellite feed and can help in toll operations & traffic managemen



How about adding some info that can quanitfy the stress on a particular navigation route using satellite feed and can help in toll operations & traffic management The current analysis is on the satellite image frame, but if we can add this info to a live feed it can help in developing smoother navigation systems based on real time traffic scenario


Satellite image Analysis

At the very early days of my career, some 10-12 years back.

During an interview process a member in the panel had asked me this question- "What would be the traffic on Mumbai Vashi toll at a given timeframe".

It's the bridge on Arabian sea that connects Vashi to Mankhurd and Mumbai suburban.

Obviously the objective was to assess the thought process towards solving the problem in terms of

  1. time it takes for a car to pass the toll
  2. length of queue assumptions
  3. time of the day etc....etc.....

fast forward to now!! - I can answer the same question with say 90%-95% precision using Geospatial analysis.

I wish if I could do time travel and go back to that very moment when this question was asked: My reply would have been 618

How cool that would have been!!

Ashish Pandey
Data Science & Analytics professional| Computer vision enthusiast
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