AOT (Associating Objects with Transformers) in PyTorch


AOT (Associating Objects with Transformers) in PyTorch

A modular reference PyTorch implementation of Associating Objects with Transformers for Video Object Segmentation (NIPS 2021). [paper]

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  • High performance: up to 85.5% (R50-AOTL) on YouTube-VOS 2018 and 82.1% (SwinB-AOTL) on DAVIS-2017 Test-dev under standard settings.
  • High efficiency: up to 51fps (AOTT) on DAVIS-2017 (480p) even with 10 objects and 41fps on YouTube-VOS (1.3x480p). AOT can process multiple objects (less than a pre-defined number, 10 in default) as efficiently as processing a single object. This project also supports inferring any number of objects together within a video by automatic separation and aggregation.
  • Multi-GPU training and inference
  • Mixed precision training and inference
  • Test-time augmentation: multi-scale and flipping augmentations are supported.


  • Code documentation
  • Demo tool
  • Adding your own dataset


  • Python3
  • pytorch >= 1.7.0 and torchvision
  • opencv-python
  • Pillow

Optional (for better efficiency):

  • Pytorch Correlation (recommend to install from source instead of using pip)



Model Zoo and Results

Pre-trained models and corresponding results reproduced by this project can be found in

Getting Started

  1. Prepare datasets:

    Please follow the below instruction to prepare datasets in each correspondding folder.

    • Static

      datasets/Static: pre-training dataset with static images. A guidance can be found in AFB-URR.

    • YouTube-VOS

      A commonly-used large-scale VOS dataset.

      datasets/YTB/2019: version 2019, download link. train is required for training. valid (6fps) and valid_all_frames (30fps, optional) are used for evaluation.

      datasets/YTB/2018: version 2018, download link. Only valid (6fps) and valid_all_frames (30fps, optional) are required for this project and used for evaluation.

    • DAVIS

      A commonly-used small-scale VOS dataset.

      datasets/DAVIS: TrainVal (480p) contains both the training and validation split. Test-Dev (480p) contains the Test-dev split. The full-resolution version is also supported for training and evluation but not required.

  2. Prepare ImageNet pre-trained encoders

    Select and download below checkpoints into pretrain_models:

    The current default training configs are not optimized for encoders larger than ResNet-50. If you want to use larger encoders, we recommond to early stop the main-training stage at 80,000 iteration (100,000 in default) to avoid over-fitting on the seen classes of YouTube-VOS.

  3. Training and Evaluation

    The example script will train AOTT with 2 stages using 4 GPUs and auto-mixed precision (--amp). The first stage is a pre-training stage using Static dataset, and the second stage is main-training stage, which uses both YouTube-VOS 2019 train and DAVIS-2017 train for training, resulting in a model can generalize to different domains (YouTube-VOS and DAVIS) and different frame rates (6fps, 24fps, and 30fps).

    Notably, you can use only the YouTube-VOS 2019 train split in the second stage by changing pre_ytb_dav to pre_ytb, which leads to better YouTube-VOS performance on unseen classes. Besides, if you don't want to do the first stage, you can start the training from stage ytb, but the performance will drop about 1~2% absolutely.

    After the training is finished, the example script will evaluate the model on YouTube-VOS and DAVIS, and the results will be packed into Zip files. For calculating scores, please use offical YouTube-VOS servers (2018 server and 2019 server) and offical DAVIS toolkit.

Adding your own dataset





Please consider citing the related paper(s) in your publications if it helps your research.

  title={Associating Objects with Transformers for Video Object Segmentation},
  author={Yang, Zongxin and Wei, Yunchao and Yang, Yi},
  booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},


This project is released under the BSD-3-Clause license. See LICENSE for additional details.

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