Official codebase for Pretrained Transformers as Universal Computation Engines.




Official codebase for Pretrained Transformers as Universal Computation Engines. Contains demo notebook and scripts to reproduce experiments.

Project Demo

For a minimal demonstration of frozen pretrained transformers, see demo.ipynb. You can run the notebook which reproduces the Bit XOR experiment in a couple minutes, and visualizes the learned attention maps.


Project is released but will receive updates soon.

Currently the repo supports the following tasks:

['bit-memory', 'bit-xor', 'listops', 'mnist', 'cifar10', 'cifar10-gray']

Note that CIFAR-10 LRA is cifar10-gray with a patch size of 1.



  1. Install Anaconda environment:

    $ conda env create -f environment.yml
  2. Add universal-computation/ to your PYTHONPATH, i.e. add this line to your ~/.bashrc:

    export PYTHONPATH=~/universal-computation:$PYTHONPATH

Downloading datasets

Datasets are stored in data/. MNIST and CIFAR-10 are automatically downloaded by Pytorch upon starting experiment.


Download the files for Listops from Long Range Arena. Move the .tsv files into data/listops. There should be three files: basic_test, basic_train, basic_val. The script evaluates on the validation set by default.

Remote homology

Support coming soon.

Running experiments

You can run experiments with:

python scripts/

Adding -w True will log results to Weights and Biases.


  title={Pretrained Transformers as Universal Computation Engines},
  author={Kevin Lu and Aditya Grover and Pieter Abbeel and Igor Mordatch},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.05247},
Kevin Lu
Researcher interested in artificial intelligence. Undergrad at UC Berkeley.
Kevin Lu
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