Count the frequency of letters or words in a text file and show a graph.


Word Counter

By EBUS Coding Club

Count the frequency of letters or words in a text file and show a graph.



Download the source code and unzip the downloaded file. Run pip install -r requirements.txt in the source code directory to install the required packages. Create a text file in the same directory as named input.txt and fill it with text you want to analyze. Run the script in an IDE of your choice or with python


Given a text file, count the frequency (number of occurrences) of either letters or words, and show a bar graph to visualize the results. Do not include whitespace or punctuation in the results, with the exception of apostrophes that are inside words.

Next Steps

  • Add command line arguments for input file path and other options
  • Add timers for significant steps to diagnose performance
  • Optimize speed and memory usage
  • Anything else you can think of to improve the script


MIT License

EBUS Coding Club
Students and teachers in the EBUS Coding Club
EBUS Coding Club
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