DziriBERT: a Pre-trained Language Model for the Algerian Dialect



dziribert drawing

DziriBERT is the first Transformer-based Language Model that has been pre-trained specifically for the Algerian Dialect. It handles Algerian text contents written using both Arabic and Latin characters. It sets new state of the art results on Algerian text classification datasets, even if it has been pre-trained on much less data (~1 million tweets).

The model is publicly available at:

For more information, please visit our paper:


The Twifil dataset was used to compare DziriBERT with current multilingual, standard Arabic and dialectal Arabic models:

Model Sentiment acc. Emotion acc.
bert-base-multilingual-cased 73.6 % 59.4 %
aubmindlab/bert-base-arabert 72.1 % 61.2 %
CAMeL-Lab/bert-base-arabic-camelbert-mix 77.1 % 65.7 %
qarib/bert-base-qarib 77.7 % 67.6 %
UBC-NLP/MARBERT 80.1 % 68.4 %
alger-ia/dziribert 80.3 % 69.3 %

In order to reproduce these results, please install the following requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, run the following evaluation script:


These results have been obtained on a Tesla K80 GPU.

Pretrained DziriBERT

DziriBERT has been uploaded to the HuggingFace hub in order to facilitate its use:

It can be easily downloaded and loaded using the transformers library:

from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertForMaskedLM

tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("alger-ia/dziribert")
model = BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("alger-ia/dziribert")

How to cite

  title={DziriBERT: a Pre-trained Language Model for the Algerian Dialect},
  author={Abdaoui, Amine and Berrimi, Mohamed and Oussalah, Mourad and Moussaoui, Abdelouahab},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.12346},


Please contact [email protected] for any question, feedback or request.

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