This is a Prototype of an Ai ChatBot "Tea and Coffee Supplier" using python.



A chatbot is an intelligent system which can hold a conversation with a human using natural language in real time. Due to the rise of Internet usage, many businesses now use online platforms to handle customer inquiries, and many of them turn to chatbots for improving their customer service or for streamlining operations and increasing their productivity. “Artificial intelligence" chatbot is a technology that makes interactions between man and machines using natural language possible. A chatbot can give different responses from the same input given by the user according to the current conversation issue. "Tea and Coffee Supplier Chatbot " we describe about the software/tools used in it. We are using NLP, we have used dialogflow to make interaction with chatbot and also the NLP toolkit. By using our "Tea and Coffee Supplier ChatBot", you do not need humans to do manual work, your clients will be happy. A chatbot is a conventional agent that is capable to communicate with operators by using natural languages.

How to use?

Step: 01

Run: python

Step: 02

Run: python

start Chatting with Bot

Step: 03

To Exit the Bot
Run: Quit

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