Showing potential issues with merge strategies


Showing potential issues with merge strategies


There are two branches in this repo: main and a feature branch feat/inverting-method (not the best name but who cares). A one-liner change was added to main after the creation of the feature branch, so now it's conflicted. We can see how the change is just a new field in the response, line 49 of

In the feature branch there are two commits. The first one inverts the method so, instead of starting with if response is OK it starts with if response is not OK. The second one, bigger, adds a new component (called something_review) to the response.


Let's fix the conflict

Solution 1: Git merge

Clone the repo and do a git merge

git clone
git checkout feat/inverting-method
git merge main

Expected result

Git will add a bunch of lines to the something_review, allowing you to fix the conflict there. But we do know that the conflict is not really there.

Merge Strategy

Solution 2: Git rebase

Clone the repo and do a git rebase

git clone
git checkout feat/inverting-method
git rebase main

Expected result

Git will show the differences in the response, allowing you to fix the conflict there, where it actually is.

Rebase Strategy


Looks like GitHub itself performs a merge in the built-in tool - check it clicking on Resolve conflicts in the PR.

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