Microsoft's Cascadia Code font customized to my liking.


Cataractia Code

Microsoft's Cascadia Code font customized to my liking. Also includes some simple batch patch and bake scripts to batch patch glyphs and bake font features into fonts!

These are my first shell scripts so they are probably garbage!


The fonts in ./final have been patched to include the complete nerd font icons set. The stylistic sets calt + ss01 (for cursive italics), ss02 (alternate not-equal), ss19/zero (slashed zero), and ss20 (graphical control characters) have also been baked into the fonts.


Download Cataractia Code from the repository's releases page!

Customize yourself

Instructions for Windows users, sorry Linux and OS X users, you will have to figure it out on your own (do make a pull request if you would like to add instructions for your operating system)

You might believe that I must be blind to think these customizations look good, (hence the name Cataractia Code, haha), so here are the instructions to patch your own fonts:



  1. Open git bash
  2. cd into whatever directory you have all of your git repositories
  3. Clone this repository git clone
  4. cd into the repository
  5. Remove the fonts in ./patched, ./frozen, and ./final
    • Remove the fonts in ./original as well if you don't want to customize Cascadia Code.
  6. Add fonts you would like to customize in ./original
    • Make sure the fonts are static (not variable), I don't think FontForge likes variable fonts. If you're just freezing features though, then variable fonts should be fine.
  7. Edit the scripts in ./scripts to do what you would like them to do
    • For example, in and, edit ARGS to pass in whatever arguments you want to feature freezer and nerd font patcher (read what arguments you can pass on their pages). In, edit REPLACEMENTS to change what font names get replaced in the font (format: name/replacement,name/replacement,...)
  8. Run some scripts
    • Example: ./scripts/
    • I recommend running before (for no particular reason, I just have a feeling it works better like that) and running last.
  9. Profit!


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