Compute the fair market value (FMV) of staking rewards at time of receipt.



A tool to help calculate the tax liability of staking rewards on Tendermint chains.

Specifically, this tool calculates the fair market value (FMV) of staking rewards at time of receipt - that is, the time that you claimed the reward. It does the same for other inflows and outflows of tokens, like sending tokens to a friend.


This software might not work

THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. This is experimental software. No one else has looked at it yet. Use at your own risk.

And even if it does work...

This a tool I use to help my CPA. This is not tax advice. I am not a CPA. Use at your own risk. You have been warned.


# clone this repo
git clone [email protected]:elsehow/tendermint-tax
cd tendermint-tax
# create a python virtual machine
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# install the dependences
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


This command will get the FMV at time of reciept for the address juno175q6smvgnuec5e62rs4chnu5cs8d98q2xgf4rx for financial year Jan 1, 2021 - Dec 31, 2021, saving the resulting file as juno.csv:

# make sure virtual machine is active
source venv/bin/activate
# run tendermint-tax
python3 --rpc --address juno175q6smvgnuec5e62rs4chnu5cs8d98q2xgf4rx --ticker JUNO --fystart "2021-01-01" --fyend "2021-12-31" --outfile "juno.csv" -v

See detailed help on all arguments with python3 --help.

Did this tool help you?

Did this tool save you time or money? Delegate with me!

Stake with me:

  • Juno - elsehow junovaloper175q6smvgnuec5e62rs4chnu5cs8d98q2e4l6cl
  • Stargaze - elsehow starsvaloper1hvw778wslvyxh6mmv3sy96mwnaw80elmrswc6h
  • Oasis - Daylight Network oasis1qra3rvq7y055waxmnx8rc0nad3frr8na2s9l8l3f

Or pay what you think is fair:

  • Cosmos - cosmos175q6smvgnuec5e62rs4chnu5cs8d98q2s62wy6
  • Osmosis - osmo175q6smvgnuec5e62rs4chnu5cs8d98q2cpe7jg
  • Akash - akash175q6smvgnuec5e62rs4chnu5cs8d98q2ap8faq
  • Regen - regen175q6smvgnuec5e62rs4chnu5cs8d98q20cpjj7



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