Python 3 wrapper for the Vultr API v2.0


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Vultr Python

Python wrapper for the Vultr API.

This is currently a WIP and not complete, but has some functions. Feel free to request additional functions in Discord.


From PyPi:

python -m pip install vultr-python

From Source:

git clone
cd vultr-python
python -m pip install -U .


You will need to create a token and whitelist your IP address. Most functions do not work without an API Token.

Initialize the class with your API Token

from vultr import Vultr

vultr = Vultr('APIKEY')

List plans and get available regions for that plan

plans = vultr.list_plans()
plan = plans[0]  # 0 seems to be the basic 5 dollar plan
regions = vultr.list_regions()
available = vultr.filter_regions(regions, plan['locations'])

Get the OS list and filter by name

os_list = vultr.list_os()
ubuntu_lts = vultr.filter_os(os_list, 'Ubuntu 20.04 x64')

Create a new ssh key from key string

sshkey = vultr.create_key('shane-secure-102916', 'ssh-rsa AAAA...')

Create a new instance

hostname = 'my-new-host'
data = {
    'region': available[0]['id'],
    'plan': plan['id'],
    'os_id': ubuntu_lts['id'],
    'sshkey_id': sshkey['id'],
    'hostname': hostname,
    'label': hostname,
instance = vultr.create_instance(**data)

Browse all available functions in the file.

View the full documentation here:

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