Python Program to connect to different VPN servers autoatically using Windscribe VPN.

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What is VPN ?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network , it is a technology that creates a safe and encrypted connectionover a less secure network, such as Internet. Basically it connects you to a remote server(another country) by changing your IP Address and it use tunneling protocols to establish a secure connection.

How to Setup VPN ?

Here we are using Windscribe VPN

Step 1: Create a free account on Windscribe.Visit Windscibe and register yourself.

Step 2: Open your Terminal and add the windscribe signing key to apt using following command.

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key FDC247B7

Step 3: Add the repository to your source.list using following command

echo 'deb bionic main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/windscribe-repo.list

Step 4: Update your system packages

sudo apt-get update

Step 5: Install windscribe-cli using following command.

sudo apt-get install windscribe-cli

Step 6: Login to windscribe with your credentials used in Step 1 while creating account on Windscribe.

windscribe login

Working with VPN using Windscribe

1. To check status of VPN

windscribe status

it will show either you are connected to VPN or not

2. To connect to windscribe

windscribe connect

it will change your IP Address and connects you to a different server

**3.**To disconnect from windscribe

windscribe disconnect

4. To print VPN services Locations

windscribe locations

5. To connect to a specific Server

windscribe connect 

6. To logout from windscribe

windscribe logout

Steps to Automate VPN using Python

Step 1: Open the terminal and create a file using gedit by the following command


Python must be installed in your system

Step 2: Copy code from and save it to

Step 3: Close the Terminal , Reopen the terminal and type the following Command

windscribe login


This will run the program and it will change your IP Address every 15-20 minutes.

To disconnect VPN Close the Terminal , Reopen the terminal and type the following Command

windscribe disconnect
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