Book on Julia for Data Science

  • Overview of Plots.jl Chapter

    Overview of Plots.jl Chapter

    Here is an opinionated version. Feel free to criticize:

    Subsections for Plots

    Brief overview of the JuliaPlots ecosystem

    • JuliaPlots Organization
    • Plots.jl (what is it good for and what are its limitations)
    • Makie.jl (what is it good for and what are its limitations)
    • AlgebraOfGraphics.jl (what is it good for and what are its limitations) (version 2.0)
    1. What is Plots.jl?

      • plot vs plot!
      • input data
      • Series Types and functions(e.g. line, line!, heatmap, heatmap!)
      • How to save a plot
    2. Attributes

      • Overview (What are attributes, and the whole symbol e.g. :xticks system)
      • Series attributes
      • Plot Attributes
      • Footnote about the extra_kwargs stuff
      • Examples using the most common things that you want to do in a visualization. This could be inserted right after you introduce a specific attribute.
    3. Color and Palettes I think we should cover colorbrewer and the ones from matplotlib (inferno, viridis, magma). We should cover some stuff from the Claus Wilke Fundamentals of Data Visualization book (Chapters 4 and 19). Also we should cover the three types of color usage:

      1. sequential: continuous stuff, e.g. :blues (only blue)
      2. diverging: continuous stuff, e.g. :RdBu (from red to blue)
      3. distinguishable: discrete stuff, e.g. :Set1_5

      I have a very strong positive bias towards colorbrewer Sets (e.g. palette=:Set1_5).

      We should also mention that the reader should use a colorblinded-friendly palette or colors. Maybe we should include an official statistics regarding the prevalence of any sort of colorblindness or color difficulties in the population. I remember seeing somewhere that it was around 5% of people.

    4. Layouts

      • Overview on several ways to do layouts
      • the layout argument, also cover the grid
      • the @layout macro
      • specific measures with the Plots.PlotMeasures submodule
      • adding subplots incremententally. Define p1, p2, p3; then do a plot(p1, p2, p3; layout=l)
    opened by storopoli 13
  • Add full cover

    Add full cover

    This PR add code to generate the full cover. See for more information about the dimensions.

    I don't consider the cover done and perfect now. It is meant as a place where we can start discussing the appearance.



    EDIT: This wasn't working in Amazon. It was turned into


    So, instead using the Amazon cover editor:


    which is turned into


    opened by rikhuijzer 10
  • makie.jl: ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: Downloads not defined

    makie.jl: ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: Downloads not defined


    I get an

    ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: Downloads not defined
     [1] top-level scope
       @ o:\Julia\makie.jl:604
    in expression starting at o:\Julia\makie.jl:604

    Commented out.

    And on execution for all demo functions:

    ERROR: UndefVarError: Options not defined
     [1] custom_plot()
       @ Main o:\Julia\makie.jl:16
     [2] top-level scope
       @ REPL[12]:1

    Commented out.

    On execution,


    no error, no plot appears.

    opened by bardo84 10
  • Chapter 7 Link broken to Makie Docs

    Chapter 7 Link broken to Makie Docs

    There is a link broken in Chapter 7

    In the "See Makie’s documentation for more." It redirects to which is broken.

    cc @lazarusA

    opened by storopoli 9
  • Notation discussion points

    Notation discussion points

    Notation discussion points from #20:

    1. Always using : before the start of a code block.
    2. Mentioning functions like DataFrame as DataFrame() or DataFrame(...).
    3. My suggestion: only Julia objects between backticks and filenames and extension names between quotation marks (like Julia's strings).
    opened by rikhuijzer 9
  • [dataframes_select] not the same selection

    [dataframes_select] not the same selection

    The lines

    don't give the same result as the previous example ... (where :id is not shown)

    I think you need to rephrase the text.

    opened by Mo-Gul 7
  • Fix pipe alignment in front cover

    Fix pipe alignment in front cover

    this should fix some alignment issues regarding the pipes. Additionally, I did a print for the previous one and the lack of grid lines makes the whole cover a little bit dull.

    opened by lazarusA 7
  • Julia cannot reproduce the rand

    Julia cannot reproduce the rand

    I have put an issue on Stack Overflow about an example of this book. Could you please explain?

    Many thanks.


    opened by ShixiangWang 6
  • Improve section numbering

    Improve section numbering

    For a discussion see issue #221 that it is beneficial to have unnumbered sections when there are no other sections on that level, i.e. that there is no other "section x.2".

    There is only the instance

    which cannot be made unnumbered, because it is referenced at

    My suggestion is to bring this one level up, i.e.

    - #### Functions with a bang `!` {#sec:function_bang}
    + ### Functions with a bang `!` {#sec:function_bang}

    I think that also fits to the previous section header where I (with my current n00bie understanding) don't see the "bang operator" fitting in.

    Do you agree? If yes, I would prepare another commit. Otherwise you can merge the PR directly.

    opened by Mo-Gul 6
  • Logo for Julia Data Science Organization

    Logo for Julia Data Science Organization

    We need a logo I will talk to someone who can do that for me at UNINOVE. Any thoughts @rikhuijzer ? We should move anything stats/Bayesian so to not confuse with future endeavors.

    Maybe something with Tabular Data or Line Plots. We should definitely use Julia colors.

    • [x] Update JuliaDataScience GitHub Organization Logo
    • [x] Update JuliaDataScience Book favicon site icon
    opened by storopoli 6
  • improve typographical stuff

    improve typographical stuff

    As I already stated in e.g. it would nice to make some sections unnumbered when there is no second section on that level.

    When I have seen this correct, this should be possible by appending the section entry by {-} as e.g. can be seen in

    So if you consider it would be nice to have that I'll redo the suggestions in a new PR. Especially if it is that easily doable.

    I am not sure if my newest comments in #217 have been noticed by one of you, since I have added them after the PR was merged. Thank you for your comments!

    opened by Mo-Gul 5
  • cheatSheet_cairo.jl improvements

    cheatSheet_cairo.jl improvements

    Some suggested changes to the CairoMakie cheatsheet, some for consistency and some to make it easier to understand what the function actually does (I think that is the main use of this figure: once the purpose of a plotting function is clear, the user can always check the documentation for the different ways to call the function). The biggest change is for linesegments: it now uses the linesegments(x, y) signature with the same data as the previous plots, to help understanding what's going on.

    Full list of changes:

    • change range of first plots to have even number of points (for linesegments)
    • change linesegments to use same data as previous plots
    • uniformize parameter names in plot titles
    • use variable heights in crossbar
    • fix title of violin plot
    • more explicit title for mesh
    opened by knuesel 0
  • 4.1.2 Excel - failure

    4.1.2 Excel - failure


    Using Julia 1.8.1, VS Code notebooks

    Entering the code from 4.1.2 Excel, I tried running: path = write_grades_xlsx() xf = readxlsx(path)

    which gave: MethodError: objects of type Vector{String} are not callable Use square brackets [] for indexing an Array.

    Stacktrace: [1] write_xlsx(name::String, df::DataFrame) @ Main ~/julia-test/juliadatascience-dataframes.ipynb:4 [2] write_grades_xlsx() @ Main ~/julia-test/juliadatascience-dataframes.ipynb:3 [3] top-level scope @ ~/julia-test/juliadatascience-dataframes.ipynb:1

    Here's the function: function write_xlsx(name, df::DataFrame) path = "$name.xlsx" data = collect(eachcol(df)) cols = names(df) writetable(path, data, cols) end

    I found that because you had defined a "names" variable earlier in the chapter, this clobbered the "names()" function. When I changed this to use Base.names(), everything worked properly. (Somewhat ironically, you mentioned the global variable problem just after defining "names". ;-))

    I'd recommend just renaming "names" to something less ambiguous, and then it won't break the code below.

    Thanks for the great work! Ari

    opened by arimeyer 0
  • new book format

    new book format

    After this first experience of doing and printing the book I still feel that the margins [text at the edges] and overall book size is not an appropriate layout. Thoughts?

    opened by lazarusA 2
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