Audio media crawler for lbry.



Audio media crawler for lbry.

PyPI Discord



This project uses poetry as a dependency management tool.

Install dependencies

Installs all defined dependencies of the project. For more information please read the poetry documentation.

poetry install


Update hooks

Setup and update pre-commit hooks. You should run this the first time after poetry install.

poetry run task update-hooks

Format code

For more information please read the black documentation

poetry run task format


Basic usage

For more information please read the poetry documentation.

poetry run podcatcher <command>


Scan all audio streams to find music and podcasts episodes, keeping elasticsearch in sync.

poetry run podcatcher sync

Retry sync

Retry failed sync from last checkpoint. If no previous failed sync occured it will just run a normal sync.

poetry run podcatcher retry-sync

Cache sync

Skip scan and sync existent cache data to elasticsearch.

poetry run podcatcher cache-sync

Clear cache

Remove all files on the cache directory.

poetry run podcatcher clear-cache


Remove all indices from elasticsearch and all files from the cache directory.

poetry run podcatcher drop
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