Albert launcher extension for converting units of length, mass, speed, temperature, time, current, luminosity, printing measurements, molecular substance, and more



discord License MIT code style black

Extension for converting units of length, mass, speed, temperature, time, current, luminosity, printing measurements, molecular substance, in Albert launcher



  1. Locate the modules directory in the Python extension data directory.

The data directories reside in the data directories of the application defined by Qt. Hence on Linux the modules would be looked up in the following directories (in this order):


(Note: Double-clicking on a module in the settings will open the directory in the file manager.)

  1. Clone this repository into your modules directory.
cd /path/to/modules

git clone
  1. Ensure that pint and inflect are installed using pip.
python3 -m pip install -U pint

python3 -m pip install -U inflect
  1. Enable the extension in the settings under Extensions > Python.



Type an amount and unit, followed by the word "to" or "in" and then the unit you want to convert to.



180 minutes to hrs

100 km in miles

88 mph in kph

32 degrees F to C

3.14159 rad to degrees


In config.jsonc there are options to customize the extension:


To add an alias for a unit, add a key-value pair to the aliases object.

Example: "sec": "second" allows you to type sec instead of second.

Many aliases are already supported.

Display Names

If the display name of a unit seems strange, you can override it by adding a key-value pair to the display_names object.

Example: "degree_Celsiuses": "°C" will make the displayed result appear as 32 °C instead of 32 degree_Celsiuses.


If you have any questions, suggestions, or issues, please feel free to open an issue or pull request.


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