Hurry is a CLI tool to speed setting up MoniGoMani HyperStrategy & co. #freqtrade #hyperopting #trading #strategy


hurry – 💨 Your command is my objective 💨

 _                                       _  _
| |__   _   _  _ __  _ __  _   _    ___ | |(_)
| '_ \ | | | || '__|| '__|| | | |  / __|| || |
| | | || |_| || |   | |   | |_| | | (__ | || |
|_| |_| \__,_||_|   |_|    \__, |  \___||_||_|

Straight out of heaven. Hurry is a CLI tool to speed setting up MoniGoMani HyperStrategy & co. #freqtrade #hyperopting #trading #strategy


  • Python 3.8+ is required
  • These Python packages are required by Hurry:
  # Install required Python packages using the [PIP package manager](
  pip3 install art fire logger coloredlogs pyaml InquirerPy


To install Hurry CLI:

  curl "" --output hurry

(optional) Install Freqtrade:

  python3 hurry install_freqtrade [--branch=develop] [--instal_dir=.]

(optional) Install MGM Hyper Strategy:

  python3 hurry install_mgm [--branch=development] [--install_dir=.]

Pro tip

Add an alias in your shell config (eg. ~/.zshrc) so you can use Hurry as hurry everywhere :)

  alias hurry="python3 /path/to/hurry-cli/hurry"

Or, if you use fish-shell than is your friend. Copy to your fish functions folder (~/.config/fish/functions/ and you are ready to roll!


  python3 hurry --help

  Usage: python3 hurry [command] [options]

  CLI tool for Freqtrade and MGM Hyper Strategy.

    -h, --help    display help for command

    install_freqtrade       [--branch=develop] [--target_dir=.]
    install_mgm             [--branch=development] [--target_dir=.]
    download_candle_data    [--timerange=yyyymmdd-yyyymmdd]
    hyperopt                [--timerange=yyyymmdd-yyyymmdd]
    hyperopt_show_results   EPOCH
    hyperopt_apply_epoch    EPOCH
    start_trader            [--dry_run=true]

example: hurry setup

~/Projects/ft » hurry setup
 _                                       _  _
| |__   _   _  _ __  _ __  _   _    ___ | |(_)
| '_ \ | | | || '__|| '__|| | | |  / __|| || |
| | | || |_| || |   | |   | |_| | | (__ | || |
|_| |_| \__,_||_|   |_|    \__, |  \___||_||_|

INFO:__main__: >> Freqtrade binary: `docker-compose run --rm freqtrade`
 + Let's save some answers to make our lifes easier

? Which way you want to use Freqtrade? source
? Please enter the default timerange you want to use 20201201-20210316
? Which HyperOpt Strategy do you want to use? MoniGoManiHyperStrategy
? Which HyperOpt Loss do you want to use? WinRatioAndProfitRatioLoss
? Which spaces do you want to HyperOpt? ['buy', 'sell']
? Please enter the default quotation you want to use USDT
? Please enter the amount of epochs you want to HyperOpt 800
? Do you want to also setup your exchange? Yes
? Which exchange do you want to use? binance
? Please enter the exchange API key ****************************************************************
? Please enter the exchange API secret:  ****************************************************************
 >> Configuration data written to .hurry file
 >> Exchange settings written to mgm-config-private.json

? Do you want to also setup your Telegram bot?  Yes
? Do you want to enable the Telegram Bot? Yes
? Please enter your Telegram Bot token:  **********************************************
? Please enter the chat ID:  1337
 >> Telegram bot settings written to mgm-config-private.json
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