Пример использования GraphQL Ariadne с FastAPI и сравнение его с GraphQL Graphene FastAPI


FastAPI Ariadne Example

Пример использования GraphQL Ariadne с FastAPI и сравнение его с GraphQL Graphene FastAPI - GitHub

###Запуск на локальном окружении: Для установки зависимостей, необходимо иметь установленный poetry

Для установки зависимостей любого из пример в корне примера запустить:

poetry install

Для применения миграций:

alembic upgrade head

Для запуска любого из примеров использовать:

python main.py
ZeBrains Team
Custom Software Development
ZeBrains Team
Qwerkey is a social media platform for connecting and learning more about mechanical keyboards built on React and Redux in the frontend and Flask in the backend on top of a PostgreSQL database.

Flask React Project This is the backend for the Flask React project. Getting started Clone this repository (only this branch) git clone https://github

Peter Mai 22 Dec 20, 2022
A rate limiter for Starlette and FastAPI

SlowApi A rate limiting library for Starlette and FastAPI adapted from flask-limiter. Note: this is alpha quality code still, the API may change, and

Laurent Savaete 562 Jan 01, 2023
Ansible Inventory Plugin, created to get hosts from HTTP API.

ansible-ws-inventory-plugin Ansible Inventory Plugin, created to get hosts from HTTP API. Features: Database compatible with MongoDB and Filesystem (J

Carlos Neto 0 Feb 05, 2022
Utils for fastapi based services.

Installation pip install fastapi-serviceutils Usage For more details and usage see: readthedocs Development Getting started After cloning the repo

Simon Kallfass 31 Nov 25, 2022
Beyonic API Python official client library simplified examples using Flask, Django and Fast API.

Beyonic API Python Examples. The beyonic APIs Doc Reference: https://apidocs.beyonic.com/ To start using the Beyonic API Python API, you need to start

Harun Mbaabu Mwenda 46 Sep 01, 2022
Full stack, modern web application generator. Using FastAPI, PostgreSQL as database, Docker, automatic HTTPS and more.

Full Stack FastAPI and PostgreSQL - Base Project Generator Generate a backend and frontend stack using Python, including interactive API documentation

Sebastián Ramírez 10.8k Jan 08, 2023
FastAPI interesting concepts.

fastapi_related_stuffs FastAPI interesting concepts. FastAPI version :- 0.70 Python3 version :- 3.9.x Steps Test Django Like settings export FASTAPI_S

Mohd Mujtaba 3 Feb 06, 2022
Cookiecutter template for FastAPI projects using: Machine Learning, Poetry, Azure Pipelines and Pytests

cookiecutter-fastapi In order to create a template to FastAPI projects. 🚀 Important To use this project you don't need fork it. Just run cookiecutter

Arthur Henrique 225 Dec 28, 2022

京东图片验证码识别 本项目是@yqchilde 大佬的 JDMemberCloseAccount 识别图形验证码(#45)思路验证,若你也有思路可以提交Issue和PR也可以在 @yqchilde 的 TG群 找到我 声明 本脚本只是为了学习研究使用 本脚本除了采集处理验证码图片没有其他任何功能,也

AntonVanke 37 Dec 22, 2022
A minimum reproducible repository for embedding panel in FastAPI

FastAPI-Panel A minimum reproducible repository for embedding panel in FastAPI Follow either This Tutorial or These steps below ↓↓↓ Clone the reposito

Tyler Houssian 15 Sep 22, 2022
cookiecutter template for web API with python

Python project template for Web API with cookiecutter What's this This provides the project template including minimum test/lint/typechecking package

Hitoshi Manabe 4 Jan 28, 2021
A Sample App to Demonstrate React Native and FastAPI Integration

React Native - Service Integration with FastAPI Backend. A Sample App to Demonstrate React Native and FastAPI Integration UI Based on NativeBase toolk

YongKi Kim 4 Nov 17, 2022
Keycloak integration for Python FastAPI

FastAPI Keycloak Integration Documentation Introduction Welcome to fastapi-keycloak. This projects goal is to ease the integration of Keycloak (OpenID

Code Specialist 113 Dec 31, 2022
A fast and durable Pub/Sub channel over Websockets. FastAPI + WebSockets + PubSub == ⚡ 💪 ❤️

⚡ 🗞️ FastAPI Websocket Pub/Sub A fast and durable Pub/Sub channel over Websockets. The easiest way to create a live publish / subscribe multi-cast ov

8 Dec 06, 2022
FastAPI-PostgreSQL-Celery-RabbitMQ-Redis bakcend with Docker containerization

FastAPI - PostgreSQL - Celery - Rabbitmq backend This source code implements the following architecture: All the required database endpoints are imple

Juan Esteban Aristizabal 54 Nov 26, 2022
Slack webhooks API served by FastAPI

Slackers Slack webhooks API served by FastAPI What is Slackers Slackers is a FastAPI implementation to handle Slack interactions and events. It serves

Niels van Huijstee 68 Jan 05, 2023
SQLAlchemy Admin for Starlette/FastAPI

SQLAlchemy Admin for Starlette/FastAPI SQLAdmin is a flexible Admin interface for SQLAlchemy models. Main features include: SQLAlchemy sync/async engi

Amin Alaee 683 Jan 03, 2023
Starlette middleware for Prerender

Prerender Python Starlette Starlette middleware for Prerender Documentation: https://BeeMyDesk.github.io/prerender-python-starlette/ Source Code: http

BeeMyDesk 14 May 02, 2021
This is an API developed in python with the FastApi framework and putting into practice the recommendations of the book Clean Architecture in Python by Leonardo Giordani,

This is an API developed in python with the FastApi framework and putting into practice the recommendations of the book Clean Architecture in Python by Leonardo Giordani,

0 Sep 24, 2022
FastAPI pagination

FastAPI Pagination Installation # Basic version pip install fastapi-pagination # All available integrations pip install fastapi-pagination[all] Avail

Yurii Karabas 561 Jan 07, 2023