Use Raspberry Pi and CircuitSetup's power monitor hardware to publish electrical usage to MQTT


This repo has code and notes for whole home electrical power monitoring using a Raspberry Pi and CircuitSetup modules. Beyond just collecting data, it also uses Grafana to visualize electricity consumption.



Eric Tsai
Eric Tsai
GNS3 Graphical Network Simulator

GNS3-gui GNS3 GUI repository.

GNS3 1.7k Dec 29, 2022
An automatic web reconnaissance tool written in python3.

WebRecon is an automatic web reconnaissance tool written in python3. Provides a command line interaction similar to msfconsole. The file is provided, and you can write your own scripts yo

prophet 1 Feb 06, 2022
OpenNeoMC:an Open-source Tool for Particle Transport Optimization that Combining OpenMC with NEORL

OpenNeoMC:an Open-source Tool for Particle Transport Optimization that Combining OpenMC with NEORL OpenMC is a community-developed Monte Carlo neutron

7 Aug 17, 2022
It's an extra broadcast driver for masonite. It adds support for socketio.

It's an extra broadcast driver for masonite. It adds support for socketio.

Yubaraj Shrestha 6 Feb 23, 2022
Port Traffic/Bandwidth Monitor Script

python-switch-port-traffic-alarm Port Traffic/Bandwidth Monitor Script That's an Switch Port Traffic monitor program is checking the switch uplink por

goksinenki 4 Sep 02, 2021
Scan any IP address except IPv6 using Python.

Port_Scanner-python To use this tool called "Console Port Scanner", you need to enter an IP address (NOT IPv6). It might take a long time to scan port

1 Dec 24, 2021
ProtOSINT is a Python script that helps you investigate Protonmail accounts and ProtonVPN IP addresses

ProtOSINT ProtOSINT is a Python script that helps you investigate ProtonMail accounts and ProtonVPN IP addresses. Description This tool can help you i

pixelbubble 249 Dec 23, 2022
This Python script can be used to bypass IP source restrictions using HTTP headers.

ipsourcebypass This Python script can be used to bypass IP source restrictions using HTTP headers. Features 17 HTTP headers. Multithreading. JSON expo

Podalirius 322 Dec 28, 2022
A script for generating WireGuard configs from Surfshark VPN

Surfshark WireGuard A script for generating WireGuard configs from Surfshark VPN. You must have python3 available on your machine. Usage Currently we

Alireza Ahmand 58 Dec 23, 2022
netpy - more than implementation of netcat 🐍🔥

netpy - more than implementation of netcat 🐍🔥

Mahmoud S. ElGammal 1 Jan 26, 2022
A Python script that alerts via SMS when a stock is reaching an inflection point

TradeAlert Not sure what this will ultimately become, but for now, its a Python script that alerts via SMS when a stock is reaching an inflection poin

3 Feb 22, 2022
Dark Utilities - Cloudflare Uam Bypass

Dark Utilities - Cloudflare Uam Bypass

Inplex-sys 26 Dec 14, 2022
A Simple but Powerful cross-platform port scanning & and network automation tool.

DEDMAP is a Simple but Powerful, Clever and Flexible Cross-Platform Port Scanning tool made with ease to use and convenience in mind. Both TCP

Anurag Mondal 30 Dec 16, 2022
Very simple FTP client, sync folder to FTP server, use python, opensource

ftp-sync-python Opensource, A way to safe your data, avoid lost data by Virus, Randsomware Some functions: Upload a folder automatically to FTP server

4 Sep 13, 2022
This is the code repository for Mastering Python for Networking and Security – Second Edition

Mastering Python for Networking and Security – Second Edition This is the code repository for Mastering Python for Networking and Security – Second Ed

Frank Gottinger 1 Feb 09, 2022
euserv auto-renew script - A Python script which can help you renew your free EUserv IPv6 VPS.

eu_ex eu_ex means EUserv_extend. A Python script which can help you renew your free EUserv IPv6 VPS. This Script can check the VPS amount in your acco

A beam of light 92 Jan 25, 2022
A Python package for handling free proxies from

SSLProxies Get free working proxy from and use it in your script This is a port/rewrite of free-proxy with additional feat

Nate Harris 2 Mar 17, 2022
A tool which is capable of scanning ports as TCP & UDP and detecting open and closed ones.

PortScanner Scan All Open Ports Of The Target IP. A tool which is capable of scanning ports as TCP & UDP and detecting open and closed ones. Clone fro

Msf Nmt 17 Nov 26, 2022
Simple HTTP Server for CircuitPython

Introduction Simple HTTP Server for CircuitPython Dependencies This driver depen

Adafruit Industries 22 Jan 06, 2023
Wifijammer - Continuously jam all wifi clients/routers

wifijammer Continuously jam all wifi clients and access points within range. The effectiveness of this script is constrained by your wireless card. Al

Dan McInerney 3.5k Dec 31, 2022