A collection of existing KGQA datasets in the form of the huggingface datasets library, aiming to provide an easy-to-use access to them.


KGQA Datasets

Brief Introduction

This repository is a collection of existing KGQA datasets in the form of the huggingface datasets library, aiming to provide an easy-to-use access to them.

Included KGQA Datasets

  1. ComplexQuestions
  2. WebQuestionsSP
  3. ComplexWebQuestions
  4. CronQuestions
  5. Compositional Wikidata Questions
  6. GrailQA
  7. GraphQuestions
  8. LC-QuAD 1.0
  9. LC-QuAD 2.0
  10. MetaQA
  11. PathQuestions
  12. QALD
  13. RuBQ 1.0
  14. RuBQ 2.0
  15. SimpleDBpediaQA
  16. SimpleQuestionsWikidata
  17. TimeQuestions
  18. TempQuestions
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