An HTML interface for finetuning the sync map output from aeneas

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finetuneas 3.0

finetuneas is a simple HTML interface for fine tuning sync maps output by aeneas

alt text

Version 3.0

  1. Easier adjusting time: following cells will be adjusted according to the previous changes
  2. Work right-to-left languages
  3. One can type in the time as well as the text directly - easier
  4. Removing a middle-cell leads to merging above and the bottom cells while the time are adjusted
  5. the output will be saved as a CSV file too
  6. Last but not the least looks more stylish


  1. Before you start making adjustments, check several fragments at random to be sure that the sync map is mostly correct and it just needs fine tuning. If not, check your aeneas input files and parameters and run aeneas again.
  2. To check the begin time of each fragment, click on the corresponding text or timestamp. If necessary, use the + and buttons to adjust it.
  3. When done, you can save the adjusted sync map to file. If the desired format is not available, choose JSON and then use the tool to convert it.


The MIT License (see the LICENSE file for details)

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