Let's renew the puzzle collection. We'll produce a collection of new puzzles out of the lichess game database.


lichess puzzler

Let's renew the puzzle collection. We'll produce a collection of new puzzles out of the lichess game database.

We need a program that generates puzzles, and one that allows manual validation and categorization of each and every puzzle.


Use stockfish and database.lichess.org to produce puzzle candidates. Python is probably the language of choice because of https://github.com/niklasf/python-chess

The generator posts candidates to the validator.


Stores puzzle candidates and lets people review them with a web UI.

mongodb puzzle:

  _id: 1, // incremental
  createdAt: date,
  gameId: string,
  fen: string,
  ply: number,
  moves: [uci],
  review: { // after a review was done
    at: date,
    score: 0-5, // quality
    rating: 1200 // estimated rating
    topics: [string],
Thibault Duplessis
Maker of lichess.org, a hippie communist chess server for drug fueled atheists.
Thibault Duplessis
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