A python script that will automate the boring task of login to the captive portal again and again


NITK Captive Portal Auto Login

A python script that will automate the boring task of login to the captive portal again and again.


Clone the repo and open the files using vscode. Then run the following commands from the terminal

pip install selenium
pip install pyinstaller

Download driver for chrome from here

Extract the driver in c drive and add the link to path.

Edit Config

Edit the config file with your login details

username = "username_here"  // write your username here
pass_word = "password_here" // write your password here

Make an exe

Run the following command from the terminal

pyinstaller --onefile -w auto_login.py

Inside the dist folder, you'll get your auto_login.exe file.

Add shortcut to startup folder

Press Windows Key + R and open


Copy the auto_login.exe file and paste it as a shortcut into Startup folder.



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.



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