Daily knowledge pills to get better in Python.


Python daily pills

Daily knowledge pills to get better Python code.


Does your Python code suffers of any of this symptoms?

  • Incorrect Indentation
  • IndexError: list index out of range
  • Circular module dependencies
  • UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment

If yes, we have good news for you!


Take this daily knowledge pills to get better in Python.

You can take as many as you want, there are no known contraindications.


If you are interested in contributing for this project, please check for the instructions here.


Jeferson Vaz dos Santos
Lifelong learner
Jeferson Vaz dos Santos
A command line interface tool converting starknet warp transpiled outputs into readable cairo contracts.

warp-to-cairo warp-to-cairo is a simple tool converting starknet warp outputs (NethermindEth/warp) outputs into readable cairo contracts. The warp out

Michael K 5 Jun 10, 2022
Ikaros is a free financial library built in pure python that can be used to get information for single stocks, generate signals and build prortfolios

Ikaros is a free financial library built in pure python that can be used to get information for single stocks, generate signals and build prortfolios

Salma Saidane 64 Sep 28, 2022
Saturne best tools pour baiser tout le système de discord

Installation | Important | Discord 🌟 Comme Saturne est gratuit, les dons sont vraiment appréciables et maintiennent le développement! Caractéristique

GalackQSM 8 Oct 02, 2022
WGGCommute - Adding Commute Times to WG-Gesucht Listings

WGGCommute - Adding Commute Times to WG-Gesucht Listings This is a barebones implementation of a chrome extension that can be used to add commute time

Jannis 2 Jul 20, 2022
Wisdom Tree is a concentration app i am working on.

Wisdom Tree Wisdom Tree is a tui concentration app I am working on. Inspired by the wisdom tree in Plants vs. Zombies which gives in-game tips when it

NO ONE 241 Jan 01, 2023
Birthday program - A program that lookups a birthday txt file and compares to the current date to check for birthdays

Birthday Program This is a program that lookups a birthday txt file and compares

Daquiver 4 Feb 02, 2022
PyWorkflow(PyWF) - A Python Binding of C++ Workflow

PyWorkflow(PyWF) - A Python Binding of C++ Workflow 概览 C++ Workflow是一个高性能的异步引擎,本项目着力于实现一个Python版的Workflow,让Python用户也能享受Workflow带来的绝佳体验。

Sogou-inc 108 Dec 01, 2022
Programmatic interface to Synapse services for Python

A Python client for Sage Bionetworks' Synapse, a collaborative, open-source research platform that allows teams to share data, track analyses, and collaborate

Sage Bionetworks 54 Dec 23, 2022
RangDev Notepad App With Python

RangDev Notepad-App-With-Python Take down quick and speedy notes! This is a small project of a notepad app built with Tkinter and SQLite3. Database cr

rangga.alrasya 1 Dec 01, 2021
Rufus port to linux, writed on Python3

Rufus-for-Linux Rufus port to linux, writed on Python3 Программа будет иметь тот же интерфейс что и оригинал, и тот же функционал. Программа создается

6 Jan 07, 2022
Script to calculate delegator epoch returns for all pillars

znn_delegator_calculator Script to calculate estimated delegator epoch returns for all Pillars, so you can delegate to the best one. You can find me o

2 Dec 03, 2021
Script to change official Kali repository to mirrors

Script to change official Kali repository to mirrors. This helps increase packages update and downloading for some user.

Vineet Bhavsar 2 Nov 29, 2021
This program can calculate the Aerial Distance between two cities.

Aerial_Distance_Calculator This program can calculate the Aerial Distance between two cities. This repository include both Jupyter notebook and Python

InvisiblePro 1 Apr 08, 2022
Fisherman is a free open source fishing bot written in python.

Fisherman is a free open source fishing bot written in python.

Pure | Cody 33 Jan 29, 2022
AIST++ API This repo contains starter code for using the AIST++ dataset.

Explainability for Vision Transformers (in PyTorch) This repository implements methods for explainability in Vision Transformers

Google 260 Dec 30, 2022
Rates how pog a word or user is. Not random and does have *some* kind of algorithm to it.

PogRater :D Rates how pogchamp a word is :D A fun project coded by JBYT27 using Python3 Have you ever wondered how pog a word is? Well, congrats, you

an aspirin 2 Jun 25, 2022
Addon for Blender 2.8+ that automatically creates NLA tracks for all animations. Useful for GLTF export.

PushDownAll An addon for Blender 2.8+ that runs Push Down on all animations, creating NLA tracks for each. This is useful if you have an object with m

Cory Petkovsek 16 Oct 06, 2022
A program to generate random numbers b/w 0 to 10 using time

random-num-using-time A program to generate random numbers b/w 0 to 10 using time it uses python's in-built module datetime and an equation which retu

Atul Kushwaha 1 Oct 01, 2022
Calc.py - A powerful Python REPL calculator

Calc - A powerful Python REPL calculator This is a calculator with a complex sou

Alejandro 8 Oct 22, 2022
Ellipitical Curve Table Generator

Ellipitical-Curve-Table-Generator This script generates a table of elliptical po

Nishaant Goswamy 1 Jan 02, 2022