Bsvlib - Bitcoin SV (BSV) Python Library

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Python package PyPI version Python versions MIT license

A Bitcoin SV (BSV) Python Library that is extremely simple to use but more.

  • MAINNET and TESTNET supported
  • P2PKH and P2PK supported
  • All the SIGHASH flags supported
  • Additional script types can be customized
  • Ability to adapt to different service providers


$ pip install bsvlib


  1. Send BSV in one line.
from bsvlib import Wallet

# Donate to aaron67!
print(Wallet(['YOUR_WIF_GOES_HERE']).send_transaction(outputs=[('1HYeFCE2KG4CW4Jwz5NmDqAZK9Q626ChmN', 724996)]))
  1. Good to send unspent locked by different keys in one transaction, and OP_RETURN output is supported as well
from bsvlib import Wallet
from bsvlib.constants import Chain

w = Wallet(chain=Chain.TEST)


outputs = [('mqBuyzdHfD87VfgxaYeM9pex3sJn4ihYHY', 724), ('mr1FHq6GwWzmD1y8Jxq6rNDGsiiQ9caF7r', 996)]
pushdatas = ['hello', b'world']
print(w.send_transaction(outputs=outputs, pushdatas=pushdatas, combine=True))
  1. Operate P2PK
from bsvlib import Wallet, TxOutput, Transaction
from bsvlib.keys import Key
from bsvlib.script import P2pkScriptType
from bsvlib.service import SensibleQuery

private_key = Key('L5agPjZKceSTkhqZF2dmFptT5LFrbr6ZGPvP7u4A6dvhTrr71WZ9')

w = Wallet(provider=SensibleQuery())

t = Transaction()
t.add_output(TxOutput(P2pkScriptType.locking(private_key.public_key().serialize()), 996, P2pkScriptType()))

  1. Sign with different SIGHASH flags, more examples
from bsvlib import Wallet, Transaction, TxInput, TxOutput
from bsvlib.constants import SIGHASH
from bsvlib.keys import Key

private_key = Key('L5agPjZKceSTkhqZF2dmFptT5LFrbr6ZGPvP7u4A6dvhTrr71WZ9')
unspents = Wallet([private_key]).get_unspents(refresh=True)

t = Transaction()
t.add_input(TxInput(unspents[0], sighash=SIGHASH.SINGLE_FORKID))
t.add_output(TxOutput(private_key.address(), 135))

# it's good to append any outputs AFTER the first output, no need to sign, can broadcast directly


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