Facebook Group Scraping Using Beautiful Soup & Selenium



  • The scraper should only be used for educational purposes
  • Kindly refrain from scraping sensitive or private information
  • It is highly recommended to scrape public (and not private) groups
  • Ask for consent from the group adminstrator and/or group members before running any code
  • I am not responsible for any misuse of the code in any shape or form

Facebook Group Scraping Using Beautiful Soup & Selenium

Extract Facebook group posts that are related to a specific topic and write them to a .json file. This project was created in order to gather data needed to build a chatbot for a university's website.


  • User's Credentials
  • Facebook Group URL
  • Number of Scrolls
    • Number of posts you want to collect
  • Directory of the Chromedriver
  • Optional: Specific topic to be searched

What the Scraper Does

  • Logs into Facebook using the User's Credentials
  • Enters the group specified by the User
  • Searches for the topic
  • Extracts all posts & their comments

Scraper Output

.json file that includes:

  • Each post
  • The comments replying to it

Format of file:

   "tag": "Topic 1",
   "patterns":  [ "Post text" ],
   "responses": [ "Comment 1", 
        "Comment 2",
        "Comment 3"  

Setup Requirements

  1. Make sure chrome is installed
  2. Install Chromedriver and place it in the same directory as the file
  3. Enter inputs required by the code
  4. Run the code


  • Scrape comments found in "view more comments"
  • Add a file for inputs only
  • Add comments to the code
  • Add an option to scrape the general group discussions and not specific topics
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