Global base classes for Pyramid SQLAlchemy applications.



pyramid_basemodel is a thin, low level package that provides an SQLAlchemy declarative Base and a thread local scoped Session that can be used by different packages whilst only needing to be bound to a db engine once.


You can use these as base classes for declarative model definitions, e.g.::

from pyramid_basemodel import Base, BaseMixin, Session, save

class MyModel(Base, BaseMixin):
    """Example model class."""
    def do_foo(cls):
        instance = Session.query(cls).first()

You can then bind these to the sqlalchemy.url in your paster .ini config by importing your model and this package, e.g.:

# for example in
import mymodel

def main(global_config, **settings):
    config = Configurator(settings=settings)
    return config.make_wsgi_app()

Or if this is all too much voodoo, you can just use the bind_engine function::

from pyramid_basemodel import bind_engine
from mypackage import mymodel

# assuming `engine` is a bound SQLAlchemy engine.

Note that the Session is designed to be used in tandem with pyramid_tm. If you don't include pyramid_tm, you'll need to take care of committing transactions yourself.


To run the tests use:

py.test -v --cov pyramid_basemodel tests/
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