Oh365UserFinder is used for identifying valid o365 accounts without the risk of account lockouts.


Oh365 User Finder



Oh365UserFinder is used for identifying valid o365 accounts without the risk of account lockouts. The tool parses responses to identify the "IfExistsResult" flag is null or not, and responds appropriately if the user is valid.


Installing Oh365UserFinder

git clone https://github.com/dievus/Oh365UserFinder.git

Change directories to Oh365UserFinder and run:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

This will run the install script to add necessary dependencies to your system.

python3 Oh365UserFinder.py -h

This will output the help menu, which contains the following flags:

-h, --help - Lists the help options

-e, --email - Required for running Oh365UserFinder against a single email account

-r, --read - Reads from a text file containing emails (ex. -r emails.txt)

-w, --write - Writes valid emails to a text document (ex. -w validemails.txt)

-t, --threading - Sets a pause between attempts in seconds (ex. -t 60)

-v, --verbose - Outputs test verbosely; note that you must use y to run verbosely (ex. -v y)

Examples of full commands include:

python3 o365UserFinder.py -e [email protected]

python3 Oh365UserFinder.py -r emails.txt -w validemails.txt

python3 Oh365UserFinder.py -r emails.txt -w validemails.txt -t 30 -v y


Make note that Microsoft does have some defense in place that can, from time to time, provide false positives in feedback. If you suspect that this is occurring take a pause in testing, and return and increase the duration between attempts using the -t flag.



This project is based on a previous tool named o365Creeper developed by Korey Mckinley that was last supported in 2019, and developed in Python2.

  • Invalid 'NoneType' argument for int() function

    Invalid 'NoneType' argument for int() function

    Hi @dievus , first I want to thank you for the great tool.

    As shown in the images below, when using the tool without the -l / --lockout argument, after a LOCKOUT occurrence, an exception occurs that breaks the password spray flow.

    Error : 2022-06-21_15-23

    No Error: 2022-06-21_15-25

    This error occurs because on line 276, the -l / --lockout argument is multiplied by the integer value 60. If the parameter is not defined by the user, the type of the 'lockout' variable is defined as NoneType, which by in turn, it cannot receive arithmetic operations with an integer value, causing the error.


    • [x] Create a condition that checks if the -l or --lockout argument was defined by the user at script execution, otherwise it sets a default value (1 maybe) or returns to the help menu and 'forces' the user to use the -l / --lockout argument.
    opened by FroydCod3r 3
  • Enhancement - check whether the IP address is being throttled

    Enhancement - check whether the IP address is being throttled

    The results may get throttled - in that case you'll be returned with false positives (i.e. it always returns "IfExistsResults":0). You can check throttle by looking whether "ThrottleStatus":1.

    If would be nice to return a warning in this case.

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by tautology0 3
  • Domain Check - Unknown, Managed, Federated

    Domain Check - Unknown, Managed, Federated

    https://github.com/dievus/Oh365UserFinder/blob/main/oh365userfinder.py#L204 valid_response = re.search('"NameSpaceType":"Managed",', response)

    Microsoft outline that there are different namespace types besides Unknown and Managed. As far as I can tell, there is also, Federated which can be seen here for my local university. https://login.microsoftonline.com/[email protected]

    Potentially consider that the regex should check for the word Unknown and change the response to a negative if returned true.

    opened by ILightThings 2
  • invalid email cache & sleep on throttle

    invalid email cache & sleep on throttle

    1. Keep record of invalid emails and skip if an email has already been deemed invalid
    2. When throttling is enabled, sleep and then retry
    3. Appends domain if specified (for use with wordlists without email domain)
    opened by chrismeistre 1
  • Add a shebang so we can be lazy

    Add a shebang so we can be lazy

    The script doesn't have the traditional shebang of: #!/usr/bin/env python3

    So it can't be directly run from the shell. Any chance this could be added to help us lazy people?

    opened by tautology0 1
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