Generates password lists/dictionaries based on keywords written in python3.




Generates password lists/dictionaries based on keywords. It uses the keywords and adds capital letters, numbers and special characters to create possible passwords. These passwords are stored in a file with universal formatting, in order to be read and used by a brute-force program such as hydra.


  • Run the script with the python3 interpreter installed on your system:
    For linux-based systems:

For Windows:

  • After that, its all pretty self-explanatory, enter the output, keywords and other options when prompted.



The file where the dictionary will be stored.


The strings, separated by a , that are used to generate the possible passwords.
NOTE: a space after the , is not needed: password,pass,mayonnaise

Auto caps

If auto caps equals 1, every keyword will be reproduced with the firt character in uppercase and also with every character in uppercase.

Max number

The highest number that is added to a keyword: > if maxnumber 2: keyword0,keyword1,keyword2.

Special chars

If special chars equals 1, each of the special characters ,,,,!,?,#,$,@,+,*,= and % will be added to the end of the keyword.


  • PyFiglet:
pip install pyfiglet
  • Colorama:
pip install colorama

Additional info

Please, if you encounter a bug, or have a suggestion, report it to issues or create a pull request
This program was made by ru55o using Pop!_OS and Gentoo Linux machines and PyCharm and micro as IDE/editors.
It is licensed under the GPL (3.0) and is thus free software.

I make python scripts.
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