PdpCLI is a pandas DataFrame processing CLI tool which enables you to build a pandas pipeline from a configuration file.



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PdpCLI is a pandas DataFrame processing CLI tool which enables you to build a pandas pipeline powered by pdpipe from a configuration file. You can also extend pipeline stages and data readers / writers by using your own python scripts.


  • Process pandas DataFrame from CLI without wrting Python scripts
  • Support multiple configuration file formats: YAML, JSON, Jsonnet
  • Read / write data files in the following formats: CSV, TSV, JSON, JSONL, pickled DataFrame
  • Import / export data with multiple protocols: S3 / Databse (MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, ...) / HTTP(S)
  • Extensible pipeline and data readers / writers


Installing the library is simple using pip.

$ pip install "pdpcli[all]"


Basic Usage

  1. Write a pipeline config file config.yml like below. The type fields under pipeline correspond to the snake-cased class names of the PdpipelineStages. Other fields such as stage and columns are the parameters of the __init__ methods of the corresponging classes. Internally, this configuration file is converted to Python objects by colt.
  type: pipeline
      type: col_drop
        - name
        - job

      type: one_hot_encode
      columns: sex

      type: tokenize_text
      columns: content

      type: tfidf_vectorize_token_lists
      column: content
      max_features: 10
  1. Build a pipeline by training on train.csv. The following command generages a pickled pipeline file pipeline.pkl after training. If you specify a URL of file path, it will be automatically downloaded and cached.
$ pdp build config.yml pipeline.pkl --input-file https://github.com/altescy/pdpcli/raw/main/tests/fixture/data/train.csv
  1. Apply the fitted pipeline to test.csv and get output of a processed file processed_test.jsonl by the following command. PdpCLI automatically detects the output file format based on the file name. In this example, the processed DataFrame will be exported as the JSON-Lines format.
$ pdp apply pipeline.pkl https://github.com/altescy/pdpcli/raw/main/tests/fixture/data/test.csv --output-file processed_test.jsonl
  1. You can also directly run the pipeline from a config file without fitting pipeline.
$ pdp apply config.yml test.csv --output-file processed_test.jsonl
  1. It is possible to override or add parameters by adding command line arguments:
pdp apply config.yml test.csv pipeline.stages.drop_columns.column=name

Data Reader / Writer

PdpCLI automatically detects a suitable data reader / writer based on a given file name. If you need to use the other data reader / writer, add a reader or writer config to config.yml. The following config is an exmaple to use SQL data reader. SQL reader fetches records from the specified database and converts them into a pandas DataFrame.

    type: sql
    dsn: postgres://${env:POSTGRES_USER}:${env:POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@your.posgres.server/your_database

Config files are interpreted by OmegaConf, so ${env:...} is interpolated by environment variables.

Prepare yuor SQL file query.sql to fetch data from the database:

select * from your_table limit 1000

You can execute the pipeline with SQL data reader via:

$ POSTGRES_USER=user POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password pdp apply config.yml query.sql


By using plugins, you can extend PdpCLI. This plugin feature enables you to use your own pipeline stages, data readers / writers and commands.

Add a new stage

  1. Write your plugin script mypdp.py like below. Stage.register(" ") registers your pipeline stages, and you can specify these stages by writing type: in your config file.
import pdpcli

class PrintStage(pdpcli.Stage):
    def _prec(self, df):
        return True

    def _transform(self, df, verbose):
        return df
  1. Update config.yml to use your plugin.
    type: pipeline

            type: print

  1. Execute command with --module mypdp and you can see the processed DataFrame after running drop_columns.
$ pdp apply config.yml test.csv --module mypdp

Add a new command

You can also add new commands not only stages.

  1. Add the following script to mypdp.py. This greet command prints out a greeting message with your name.
    description="say hello",
    help="say hello",
class GreetCommand(pdpcli.Subcommand):
    requires_plugins = False

    def set_arguments(self):
        self.parser.add_argument("--name", default="world")

    def run(self, args):
        print(f"Hello, {args.name}!")
  1. To register this command, you need to create the .pdpcli_plugins file in which module names are listed for each line. Due to module importing order, the --module option is unavailable for command registration.
.pdpcli_plugins ">
$ echo "mypdp" > .pdpcli_plugins
  1. Run the following command and get a message like below. By using the .pdpcli_plugins file, it is is not needed to add the --module option to a command line for each execution.
$ pdp greet --name altescy
Hello, altescy!
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