Final Project for Practical Python Programming and Algorithms for Data Analysis


Final Project for Practical Python Programming and Algorithms for Data Analysis (PHW2781L, Summer 2020)

Redlining, Race-Exclusive Deed Restriction Language, and Neighborhood Racial Composition in Houston

This report investigates the effects of systemic racism in Houston by examining recent racial composition and racial composition changes of Houston neighborhoods intersected with historial geographic/race-based lending restriction (redlining) and race-based deed restrictions. Though, this analysis was not formally peer-reviewed, it recieved a 100% grade for the course. Sources for data and graphics can be found in the HTML report.

Example Images

Houston Historical Redlining Grade with Modern City Coordinates


2010 Racial Composition by 1930's Redlining Code


Deed Restriction, Redlining, Racial Composition in Oak Forest


Aislyn Schalck
PhD Candidate at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Aislyn Schalck
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