Set of Web-backend projects to implement micro-blogging site

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This repository contains a set of projects covered for CPSC-449 Web-Backend development under the guidance of Prof. Kenytt Avery at CSU, Fullerton.

Team members

  • Aditya Dingare
  • Aritra Sengupta

Built with

  • Python - API implementation
  • Flask - Web framework written in Python
  • SQLite3 - Database to store data
  • httpie - API testing client
  • Foreman - Used Procfile to manage web-application
  • Tuffix or Mac OS - Operating System
  • Atom - IDE

Getting started

Installations / Prerequisites

  • Install Python3 and SQLite3 on your Mac/Linux
  • Install Flask
    pip3 install Flask
  • httpie on Mac
  brew install httpie 
  • Ruby Gem is required to install foreman. Use following command to install foreman:
  gem install foreman
  • Use queries in database/ to up the db
  • Double click on the procfile to start the two services userService and timelineService

About project

Project - 2

  • Created a RESTful API userService to register user,bauthenticate, start following the other user,and stop following the other user
  • timelineService a RESTful API to post a message, view recent 25 posts, view posts from the other user's to whom user is following, and public posts
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