






Get YouTube live stream link

install youtube_dl

pip install youtube_dl

import youtube_dl
ydl_opts = {}
url = input("enter your url:- ")
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
	meta = ydl.extract_info(url, download=False)
	formats = meta.get('formats', [meta])
	for f in formats:

If you have a https:// address change it to http:// otherwise you get an "HTTP error 403 forbidden


This wrapper now has async support, its basically the same except it uses asyncio

This is a python wrapper for my api api_url = "" This wrapper now has async support, its basically the same except it uses asyn

Dhravya Shah 5 Mar 10, 2022
Pogodasbot - Telegram bot sending channel weather info

Pogodasbot - Telegram bot sending channel weather info

Qayrat Sultan 1 Dec 15, 2022
A link shortner telegram bot version 2 with advanced features

URL-Shortner-Bot-V2 A link shortner telegram bot version 2 with advanced features Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT L

Fayas Noushad 18 Dec 29, 2022
HackerNews and Reddit in one placce

EDIT: this project is 3.5 years old. I found it sad it's just laying around, so I did some minimal fixes and deployed it. Hope you enjoy! (PR's welcom

Hugo Montenegro 1 Nov 13, 2021
Quadrirrotor UFABC - ROS/Gazebo

QuadROS_UFABC - Repositório utilizado durante minha dissertação de mestrado para simular sistemas de controle e estimação para navegação de um quadrirrotor utilizando visão computacional.

Mateus Ribeiro 1 Dec 13, 2022
A python telegram bot to fetch the details of an ipadress with help of ip-api

ipfetcher A python(Pyrogram) oriented telegram bot to fetch the details of an ipadress developed by @riz4d with the API of Deployme

Mohamed Rizad 5 Mar 12, 2022
A Characther powerful in saints saiya anime and modular telegram group management bot built using python3

Kaneki Ken A Powerful and Modular Saint Aries is a Characther powerful in saints saiya anime and modular telegram group management bot built using pyt

1 Dec 21, 2021
Simple Webhook Spammer with Optional Proxy Support

😎 �Simple Webhook Spammer with Optional Proxy Support:- [+] git clone https://g

Terminal1337 12 Sep 29, 2022
Ts-matterbridge - Integrate TeamSpeak Chat with MatterBridge

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4 Sep 25, 2022
A free sniper bot built to work with PancakeSwap: Router V2

Pancakeswap Sniper Bot PancakeSwap sniper bot. Automated sniping bot to snipe crypto coin launches. How it works The sniping bot can be used in three

89 Aug 06, 2022
wrapper for facebook messenger

pyfacebook pyfacebook library for python. Requirements common Help Got a question? File a GitHub issue. Contributing Bug Reports & Feature Requests Pl

Luis Mayta 3 Nov 12, 2021
Telegram Voice Chat UserBot made with Pyrogram and MarshalX/tgcalls with playlist and Heroku support

Telegram Voice Chat UserBot A Telegram UserBot to Play Audio in Voice Chats. This is also the source code of the userbot which is being used for playi

Calls Music 164 Nov 12, 2022
A Code that can make your Discord Account 24/7!

Online-Forever Make your Discord Account Online 24/7! A Code written in Python that helps you to keep your account 24/7. The is the main file.

Phantom 556 Dec 29, 2022
WhatsApp Status Tracker With Python

Warning!! This Repo is Purly educational purpose Don't use this to stalk on others, which is subjective to crime Pre-Req: Telegram bot of your own wit

Vignesh Karunagaran 10 Dec 09, 2022
Repositório para meu Discord Bot pessoal

BassetinhoBot Escrevi o código usando o Python 3.8.3 e até agora não tive problemas rodando nas versões mais recentes. Repositório para o Discord Bot

Vinícius Bassete 1 Jan 04, 2022
A simple Python app to provide RPC for iTunes and the Music app. MacOS exclusive.

Ongaku You know, ongaku. A port of Ongaku to Python. Why? I don't know. A simple application providing the now playing state from iTunes (or the Music

Deltaion Lee 4 Oct 22, 2022
Free and Open Source Channel/Group Voice chat music player for telegram ❤️ with button support Heroku Commands

ZeusMusic Requirements 📝 FFmpeg NodeJS Python 3.7 or higher PyTgCalls MongoDB 2nd Telegram Account (needed for userbot) 🧪 Get SESSION

ZeusNetwork 4 Jan 03, 2022
Cord Python API Client

Cord Python API Client The data programming platform for AI 💻 Features Minimal low-level Python client that allows you to interact with Cord's API Su

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Huggingface inference with GPU Docker on AWS

This repository contains code to containerize and deploy a GPU docker on AWS for summarization task. Find a detailed blogpost here Youtube Video Versi

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