Creating Templates and components so those can be reusable some time and makes workflow a lot easier!



This is an Open Repository For Students to Contribute code in Hackoctoberfest in different Languages and Tech

meant for everyone to create code and learn to contribute to open source.

forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge

Welcome to this Guide to Hacktoberfest!

If this is your first time partcipating in Hacktoberfest or beginner and you know the basics of HTML, CSS and maybe a little Javascript or python or any other technology or programming language then this is the place for you!

Take a look at the Contributing file for detailed porcedure to contribute to this.

Instructions For Use:

  • Fork and download the repo
  • Navigate to the folder where you've saved your code
  • Make a new branch
  • Make your changes
  • Push it back to your repo
  • Click the Compare & pull request button
  • Click Create pull request to open a new pull request

That's all if Everything will be fine, Your PR will be Merged!

If you need any help please feel free to contact me, I'm most easily reached on Linkedin srisravya.



Sri Sravya N
Techie 📦
A low dependency and really simple to start project template for Python Projects.

Python Project Template A low dependency and really simple to start project template for Python Projects. HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE DO NOT FORK this is

Yurii Dubinka 5 Jan 21, 2022
Cookiecutter Flask OpenAPI is a template for jumpstarting production-ready Flask projects quickly.

Cookiecutter Flask OpenAPI is a template for jumpstarting production-ready Flask projects quickly. It has a well organized and scalable structure. It uses API design first

Roger Camargo 3 Nov 17, 2022
Django sample app with users including social auth via Django-AllAuth

demo-allauth-bootstrap Simple, out-of-the-box Django all-auth demo app A "brochure" or visitor (no login required) area A members-only (login required

Andrew E 215 Dec 20, 2022
A template repository implementing HTML5 Boilerplate 8.0 in Sanic using the Domonic framework.

sanic-domonic-h5bp A template repository implementing HTML5 Boilerplate 8.0 in Sanic using the Domonic framework. If you need frontend interactivity,

PyXY 3 Dec 12, 2022
Open-source full-stack seed project that uses a React UI powered by a simple Flask API Server

React Flask Authentication Open-source full-stack seed project that uses a React UI powered by a simple Flask API Server.

App Generator 37 Dec 24, 2022
Template to quickly start your playwright-python project

Playwright-python template 🍪 Template to quickly start your playwright-python project Getting started • Demo • Configuration Getting started Clone th

Constantin 1 Dec 13, 2021
A template for some new Python tool or package with a reasonable basic setup.

python-app-template A template with a reasonable basic setup, including: black (formatting) flake8 (linting) mypy (type checking) isort (import sortin

Anton Pirogov 3 Jul 19, 2022
A platform for developers 👩‍💻 who wants to share their programs and projects.

Hacktoberfest-2021 A platform for developers 👩‍💻 who wants to share their projects and programs. Hacktoberfest has updated their rules and now this

Mayank Choudhary 40 Nov 07, 2022
Generic python project template

generic-python-project-template generic-python-project-template STEPS - STEP 01- Create a repository by using template repository STEP 02- Clone the n

Boilerplate code for a Python Flask API

MrMat :: Python :: API :: Flask Boilerplate code for a Python Flask API This variant of a Python Flask API is code-first and using native Flask Featur

0 Dec 26, 2021
Forkable, Minimal Template for Starknet Projects.

Forkable, Minimal Template for Starknet Projects.

andreas 44 Oct 09, 2022
Creating Templates and components so those can be reusable some time and makes workflow a lot easier!

TEMPLATES AND COMPONENTS IN ANY LANG! This is an Open Repository For Students to Contribute code in Hackoctoberfest in different Languages and Tech me

SriSravyaN 9 Feb 19, 2022
Django starter project with 🔋

A batteries-included Django starter project. For a production-ready version see the book Django for Professionals. 🚀 Features Django 3.1 & Python 3.8

William Vincent 1.5k Jan 08, 2023
A framework for launching new Django Rest Framework projects quickly.

DRFx A framework for launching new Django Rest Framework projects quickly. Comes with a custom user model, login/logout/signup, social authentication

William Vincent 400 Dec 29, 2022
simple flask starter app utilizing docker

Simple flask starter app utilizing docker to showcase seasonal anime using jikanpy (myanimelist unofficial api).

Kennedy Ngugi Mwaura 5 Dec 15, 2021
Project template layout for Django 3.0+

Django 3.0+ project template This is a simple Django 3.0+ project template with my preferred setup. Most Django project templates make way too many as

José Padilla 649 Dec 30, 2022
Django Boilerplate - Material Kit Design | AppSeed

Django Boilerplate - Material Kit Design | AppSeed

App Generator 45 Dec 23, 2022
CRUD app to create and save code snippets, Flask/Python restful Api/backend and React/Typescript frontend

MS3 Cheat-Hub A cheatsheet hub. An app that organizes your code snippets into collections of cheat sheets and allows you to view, like and save others

Joem Elias Sanez 21 Dec 28, 2022
A cookiecutter template for python scripts

cookiecutter-py-script A cookiecutter template for python scripts Prerequisites Git Usage pip install cookiecutter

Zeheng Li 1 Dec 14, 2022
Django Webpack starter template for using Webpack 5 with Django 3.1 & Bootstrap 4. Yes, it can hot-reload.

Django Webpack Starter Hello fellow human. The repo uses Python 3.9.* Django 3.1.* Webpack 5.4.* Bootstrap 4.5.* Pipenv If you have any questions twe

Ganesh Khade 56 Nov 28, 2022