Generates Windows 95 and 95 OEM keys using the modulus 7 check algorithm


w95keygen-python - Generates Windows 95 and 95 OEM keys using the modulus 7 check algorithm

Just download and drop in the directory you are using for the script you're currently writing, or drop it in your python module directory to call it from anywhere. Then just import the function as one does normally.

keygen95() - Generates a retail 95 key that works on all 95 era software, not just the OS.

keygen95oem() - Generates an OEM 95 key.

Some example uses:

Just print one of each key.

import windowskeygen as wkg


Use a loop to generate 'n' keys.

import windowskeygen as wkg

count = 15 # Generate 15 keys

while count > 0:
  count = count - 1
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