A python script written for lazy people to hack their school systen ;D



A python script written for lazy people to hack their school systen ;D

Python voice notes writer

This is a python script to record your notes and then convert them from text to handwriting, upload the handwritten images to Mega cloud folder and then text you the upload view link.

The content is also stored in a text file so that it can later be put up for reviewing incase of spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes.

Where do I use this?

In classrooms, boring lectures and other places where you feel like writing is hectic, simply run the script and boom, with the required API keys and other creentials, you will have your own voice based notes taking app.

Register with Mega and then make a folder, change the folder name in the code.

You can also integrate this sith WhatsApp and Discord or run a flask server and share the images over LAN.

How I plan on using it:

I plan on using this in an Raspberry Pi 4B and recording my class, based on how this goes, bugs and other problems will be solved.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.



Other links

Mega cloud services

Fast 2 SMS

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