Esse repositório tem como finalidade expor os trabalhos feitos para disciplina de Algoritmos computacionais e estruturais do CEFET-RJ no ano letivo de 2021.


Exercícios de Python 🐍

Esse repositório tem como finalidade expor os trabalhos feitos para disciplina de Algoritmos computacionais e estruturais do CEFET-RJ no ano letivo de 2021.

Ferramentas usadas 🔧

Python logo Spyder logo

💻 Desenvolvedora:


💡 Professor da disciplina

Rafaela Bezerra de Figueiredo
💻Estudante de T.I (técnico em informática) no CEFET-RJ.📚
Rafaela Bezerra de Figueiredo
A* (with 2 heuristic functions), BFS , DFS and DFS iterativeA* (with 2 heuristic functions), BFS , DFS and DFS iterative

Descpritpion This project solves the Taquin game (jeu de taquin) problem using different algorithms : A* (with 2 heuristic functions), BFS , DFS and D

Ayari Ahmed 3 May 09, 2022
Genetic algorithms are heuristic search algorithms inspired by the process that supports the evolution of life.

Genetic algorithms are heuristic search algorithms inspired by the process that supports the evolution of life. The algorithm is designed to replicate the natural selection process to carry generatio

Mahdi Hassanzadeh 4 Dec 24, 2022
A calculator to test numbers against the collatz conjecture

The Collatz Calculator This is an algorithm custom built by Kyle Dickey, used to test numbers against the simple rules of the Collatz Conjecture. Get

Kyle Dickey 2 Jun 14, 2022
FPE - Format Preserving Encryption with FF3 in Python

ff3 - Format Preserving Encryption in Python An implementation of the NIST approved FF3 and FF3-1 Format Preserving Encryption (FPE) algorithms in Pyt

Privacy Logistics 42 Dec 16, 2022
iAWE is a wonderful dataset for those of us who work on Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) algorithms.

iAWE is a wonderful dataset for those of us who work on Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) algorithms. You can find its main page and description via this link. If you are familiar with NILM-TK API

Mozaffar Etezadifar 3 Mar 19, 2022
This repository is an individual project made at BME with the topic of self-driving car simulator and control algorithm.

BME individual project - NEAT based self-driving car This repository is an individual project made at BME with the topic of self-driving car simulator

NGO ANH TUAN 1 Dec 13, 2021
Python based framework providing a simple and intuitive framework for algorithmic trading

Harvest is a Python based framework providing a simple and intuitive framework for algorithmic trading. Visit Harvest's website for details, tutorials

100 Jan 03, 2023
Solving a card game with three search algorithms: BFS, IDS, and A*

Search Algorithms Overview In this project, we want to solve a card game with three search algorithms. In this card game, we have to sort our cards by

Korosh 5 Aug 04, 2022
QDax is a tool to accelerate Quality-Diveristy (QD) algorithms through hardware accelerators and massive parallelism

QDax: Accelerated Quality-Diversity QDax is a tool to accelerate Quality-Diveristy (QD) algorithms through hardware accelerators and massive paralleli

Adaptive and Intelligent Robotics Lab 183 Dec 30, 2022
Evol is clear dsl for composable evolutionary algorithms that optimised for joy.

Evol is clear dsl for composable evolutionary algorithms that optimised for joy. Installation We currently support python3.6 and python3.7 and you can

GoDataDriven 178 Dec 27, 2022
A litle algorithm that i made for transform a picture in a spreadsheet.

PicsToSheets How it works? It is an algorithm designed to transform an image into a spreadsheet file. this converts image pixels to color cells of she

Guilherme de Oliveira 1 Nov 12, 2021
Rover. Finding the shortest pass by Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm

rover Rover. Finding the shortest path by Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm Задача Вы — инженер, проектирующий роверы-беспилотники. Вам надо спроекти

1 Nov 11, 2021
Pathfinding visualizer in pygame: A*

Pathfinding Visualizer A* What is this A* algorithm ? Simply put, it is an algorithm that aims to find the shortest possible path between two location

0 Feb 26, 2022
marching Squares algorithm in python with clean code.

Marching Squares marching Squares algorithm in python with clean code. Tools Python 3 EasyDraw Creators Mohammad Dori Run the Code Installation Requir

Mohammad Dori 3 Jul 15, 2022
Genetic Algorithm for Robby Robot based on Complexity a Guided Tour by Melanie Mitchell

Robby Robot Genetic Algorithm A Genetic Algorithm based Robby the Robot in Chapter 9 of Melanie Mitchell's book Complexity: A Guided Tour Description

Matthew 2 Dec 01, 2022
Programming Foundations Algorithms With Python

Programming-Foundations-Algorithms Algorithms purpose to solve a specific proplem with a sequential sets of steps for instance : if you need to add di

omar nafea 1 Nov 01, 2021
A python implementation of the Basic Photometric Stereo Algorithm

Photometric-Stereo A python implementation of the Basic Photometric Stereo Algorithm Result Usage run Code Tree |data #原始数据,tga格

20 Dec 19, 2022
A simple python implementation of A* and bfs algorithm solving Eight-Puzzle

A simple python implementation of A* and bfs algorithm solving Eight-Puzzle

2 May 22, 2022
Using A * search algorithm and GBFS search algorithm to solve the Romanian problem

Romanian-problem-using-Astar-and-GBFS Using A * search algorithm and GBFS search algorithm to solve the Romanian problem Romanian problem: The agent i

Mahdi Hassanzadeh 6 Nov 22, 2022
This application solves sudoku puzzles using a backtracking recursive algorithm

This application solves sudoku puzzles using a backtracking recursive algorithm. The user interface is coded with Pygame to allow users to easily input puzzles.

Glenda T 0 May 17, 2022