Generate random german words


Generate random german words / Generiere zufällige deutsche Wörter

Getting Started

  1. Pip install with

    pip install zufallsworte
  2. Install the library with

    import zufallsworte as zufall


How to use

Return one random word

--> Katze

Return 5 random words


--> ['rot', 'Baum', 'Eichhörnchen', 'Brötchen', 'Auto']

Return 3 random words that start with certain letters

zufall.anfangsbuchstaben('herum', 3)

['herumtragen', 'herumnörgeln', 'Herumtreiber']

Return 3 random words that end with certain letters

zufall.endbuchstaben('legen', 2)

--> ['anlegen', 'hinzulegen']

Return 2 random words that contain the letters "ff"

zufall.enthaelt_buchstaben('ff', 2)

--> ['Schiff', 'Affinität']

Return 3 random words that are exactly 7 characters long

zufall.anzahl_buchstaben(7, 3)

--> ['Biomüll', 'fließen', 'Rotwein']

Current bugs

When you import the library you will see three words as an output. Just ignore them.

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time


This project falls under the MIT license.

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  • Added PyPi Package Upload to GitHub Actions

    Added PyPi Package Upload to GitHub Actions

    1. Go to Actions on your Repo

    Check if you got the action to Upload to PIP on the workflow - When Pull Requested if not.

    Click _Skip this and set up a workflow yourself_ 
    Copy everything from python-publish.yml found in Zufallswort/workflows/
    and paste it in your main.yml or change the filename to anything you want but make sure its a .yml file.

    Hit commit.

    2. Go to your Settings - Secrets under your repo.

    Click New Repo Secret.

    Add two secrets

    Secret #1

    Under Name



    your PyPi UserName

    Secret #2

    Under Name



    your super secret password

    To publish the package

    1. Change version on - otherwise the upload will fail

    2. Create a new Release on your Repo.

    If you want to view actions to view the Job - Click Actions on your repo

    From there you should be able to see if the Job Failed or Passed.

    for more documentation you can read

    1. GitHub Actions Docs

    you can watch this video to get an understanding / maybe it will help

    Video on PyPi GitHub Actions

    Best Regards Ashlin Darius Govindasamy

    opened by adgsenpai 0
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