Flask app + (html+css+ajax) contain ability add employee and place where employee work - plant or salon


#Manage your employees! With all employee information stored in one place, you no longer have to sift through hoards of spreadsheets to manually search and enter data. Just enter data once, and use it across all web platform. App contain ability add employee and place where employee work - plant or salon

Firstly, employee must be log in. Use email and password which contains hashing in database.

Otherwise, information can not edit.

If you successfully log in freely use application.

Also, in application you can use search

## 🥳 Installation 🥳 Installing and running this app is very simple.

Clone this repo, and then simply run:

docker-compose up --build (use -d flag to run it in the background)

After that app will be running


Download or clone the repository.

Install the requirements.txt pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the app.py file using flask run command in command prompt / terminal.

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