A dashboard for your Terminal written in the Python 3 language,



termDash is a handy little program, written in the Python 3 language, and is a small little dashboard for your terminal, designed to be a utility to help people, as well as helping new users get used to the terminal.

Table of Contents

  1. termDash
    1. Configuration Options
      1. StatusBar_CustomText
      2. SplashText
      3. Package Manager Settings
      4. Skip_ShellReturnText
    2. License

Configuration Options

Configuration of termDash can be done by opening the termDashCFG.py file in a graphical text editor, or a terminal text editor, such as nano or vim.


The variable StatusBar_CustomText referrs to the custom text on the status bar, the 3rd part of the status bar. By default it is set to

StatusBar_CustomText=datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%A %d %B %Y")

And this will output the date and year, for example Wednesday 24 November 2021. You can change this formatting by taking a look at the valid strftime strings, which you can find on the Python strftime Cheatsheet.


This variable referrs to the text displayed at the top of termDash, and by default it is set to

SplashText = "termDash from Kimitzuni"

This can be anything, you can even make it the same as the StatusBar_CustomText Variable, simply by doing this

SplashText = StatusBar_CustomText

Package Manager Settings

The next 6 variables in the config file all refer to package management, and by default, they are set to Debian/Ubuntu defaults - The apt Package Manager


However, if you are using, say Manjaro Linux (or any other Arch Linux based distribution), you should set them to this:



This variable is a bool, meaning it can either be True or False. When set to False, and you select the [S] Run the Shell option, you will get a handy little piece of text telling you how to exit back to termDash

To return to termDash, type 'exit' or press CTRL + D

[[email protected] ~]$


termDash is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0

Rebecca White
I can code. This is my github, and is for more of my random projects, for my more professional ones, please see my GitLab
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