AnyAPI is a library that helps you to write any API wrapper with ease and in pythonic way.



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AnyAPI is a library that helps you to write any API wrappers with ease and in pythonic way.


  • Have better looking code using dynamic method calls.
  • Filters to help you to modify request, raise errors or log requests instead of writing functions everywhere.
  • Scoped calls to raise errors and take action if necessary.
  • Automatic retrying if the condition met with what you passed.
  • Built-in rate limit proxy changer. (you can write your own proxy handler)
  • Since it is built on top of requests anything compatible with it is compatible with AnyAPI.

But most importantly in AnyAPI almost everything is modular!


Making GET request to

from anyapi import AnyAPI

base_url = ''
api = AnyAPI(base_url)


As you can see dots are pretended as slash and at the end you should put dot and HTTP method you want to use in capital letters.

Setting header before every request

import datetime
from anyapi import AnyAPI

def set_date_as_header(kwargs):
    now =
    kwargs['headers'].update({'date': now.strftime('%B %d %Y')})

    return kwargs

api = AnyAPI('')

# output
   'args': {},
   'data': '',
   'files': {},
   'form': {},
   'headers': {
      'Accept-Encoding': 'identity',
      'Connection': 'close',
      'Date': 'January 16 2019',
      'Host': ''
   'json': None,
   'method': 'GET',
   'origin': 'XX.XX.XX.XX',
   'url': ''

As you can see filter worked as expected and set Date header.

Changing proxy automatically after they reach their rate limit

from anyapi import AnyAPI
from anyapi.proxy_handlers import RateLimitProxy

proxy_configuration = {
  'default': proxy0,
  'proxies': [proxy0, proxy1, proxy2,....], # don't forget to add default proxy!
  'paths': {
    '/anything': rate_limit0,
    '/anything/endpoint': rate_limit1

api = AnyAPI('', proxy_configuration=proxy_configuration, proxy_handler=RateLimitProxy)

for i in range(10):

If you check output of the all them you can see proxy changes when it reaches limit.

This library is not a new thing

There is a lot of libraries you can find out there for example Uplink, Hammock and many more...


Library on PyPI so just run

pip install anyapi

To learn more about AnyAPI check wiki page

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    Question: dynamic header injection

    Hey thanks for the library, looks handy but want to clarify a point before I try to implement something.

    Right now I'm using nginx as a non secure to secure API bridge, that is to say, requests originating from localhost can hit nginx and a python script will go and get an oauth2 bearer token and inject it into the header so what is an unauthenticated API call can be proxied to a secure endpoint.

    Is that possible using this library? I'd like to take nginx out of the equation if I'm already using python to monitor the bearer token and expiry and subsequent refresh and injection of the header into the nginx.conf file.

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