run-js Goal: The Easiest Way to Run JavaScript in Python



Goal: The Easiest Way to Run JavaScript in Python


  • Stateless
  • Async JS Functions
  • No Intermediary Files
  • Functional Programming
  • CommonJS and ES6 Modules
  • Automatic JSON Conversion
  • Clear Installation Prompts


pip install run-js


# import the package from JavaScript into Python
from js import lodash

# access a function as an attribute
result = lodash.uniq([1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3])
# result is [1, 2, 3]

Frequently Asked Questions

what if my JavaScript package has a dash in the name?

Python doesn't allow - in import statements, so js is also a dictionary.

import js

fastMin = js['fast-min']

result = fastMin([1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3])
// result is 1

do I need to understand JavaScript packaging?

If you try to run a JavaScript package and it isn't installed, run-js will automatically provide you a prompt to install it. You don't have to learn NPM's package.json format.

do I need to install NodeJS?

Yes, you currently must install NodeJS on your system before using run-js. The NPM CLI is also required, but usually comes with the NodeJS installation. If you are using MacOS, you can install it with brew install node. We will try to add friendly prompts to install NodeJS in the future. (It's a little complicated because of all the different platforms to support.)


only json-serializable input

run-js currently only supports running functions that accept JSON-serializable input. In other words, you can only call a function that accepts numbers, string, arrays, and simple objects. You can't pass functions or sets as a parameter. (We may try to fix this in the future, but only if it can be done securely.)


For security reasons, run-js doesn't keep a JavaScript process running in the background. Therefore, you can't chain JavaScript function calls.

more examples

import js

# calculate statistics
js['calc-stats']([291, 1723, 74, 741, 93, 84, 19])
{ "min": 1, "max": 100, "mean": 66.25, "median": 70, "mode": 95, "modes": [90, 100], "sum": 328350, "histogram": { ... } }

# run-length decoding
js['fast-rle/decode']([5, 3, 1, 8, 2, 0])
[3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 8, 0, 0]

# reprojecting geospatial bounding boxes
js["reproject-bbox"]({"bbox": [-122.51, 40.97, -122.34, 41.11], "from": 4326, "to": 3857})
[-13637750.817083945, 5007917.677222896, -13618826.503649088, 5028580.202823918 ]

# clipping hyperrectangle (multi-dimensional rectangle) from imagery data
js['xdim'].clip({ "data": [0, 123, 123, 255, ...], "layout": "[row,column,band]", "sizes": {"band": 4, "row": 768, "column": 1024 }, "rect": { "band": [2,2], "row": [20, 219], "column": [47, 211]}})
[213, 542, 521, 481, ...]

necessary disclaimer

Use at your own risk.


This project was partially inspired by the awesome Python package called sh.


Email the library author at [email protected] or post an issue at

Daniel J. Dufour
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