Enjoyable scripting experience with Python



PyPI version

Inspired by zx

#!/usr/bin/env shx

await $"cat setup.py | grep name"

branch = await $("git branch --show-current", capture='o')
await $f"dep deploy --branch={branch}"

await gather(
  $"sleep 1; echo 1",
  $"sleep 2; echo 2",
  $"sleep 3; echo 3",

name = "foo bar"
await $f"mkdir /tmp/{Q(name)}"

(Take a look at more examples.)

shx makes your script writing experience better by taking the advantages of Python's sugary syntax, AsyncIO, and the extensive Python ecosystem. shx does three things:

  1. Wrap asyncio.create_subprocess_shell around with a syntax sugar. await $"command" returns an asyncio.subprocess.Process instance; on non-zero return code, raise subprocess.CalledProcessError.
  2. Provide a top-level async environment.
  3. Preload commonly used imports and utilities. Currently, the imports are:
import asyncio
from asyncio import *
from pathlib import Path
from shlex import quote as Q
import shutil

Note that shx does not perform quote escape automatically. Use function Q (alias of shlex.quote) to escape unsafe arguments.


pip install shx

Settings and utility functions

Settings can either be task local (e.g. __.trace = True) or per-command (e.g. await $("echo 42", trace=True)):

  • shell (Default: $(which bash)): Shell to be used.
  • prefix (Default: set -euo pipefail;): String to be prepended to a command.
  • trace (Default: True): Display command if set to True. Same as set -x in bash.
  • capture (Default: False): If set to True, capture stdout and stderr instead of displaying them. The captured strings will replace the .stdout and .stderr attributes of the asyncio.subprocess.Process instance returned. await $("...", capture='o') and await $("...", capture='e') are the aliases of (await $("...", capture=True)).stdout and (await $("...", capture=True)).stderr, respectively.


  • __.argv: alias of sys.argv, a list of command line arguments
  • __.env: alias of os.environ, a dict of environment variables

cd(cwd: str)

Change working directory to cwd. Same as the task local settings, the changes are only effective within the current task.

question(prompt: str)

input() with KeyboardInterrupt handling.

About the subprocess syntax

No magic, no meta-programming, and no hacking, whatsoever. Prior execution, the script is tokenized, and the following replacements occur:

  • "str prefix" $"command" -> SHX("command")
  • "function" $("command", k1=v1, ...) -> SHX("command", k1=v1, ...)

where SHX is an async function wrapping around asyncio.create_subprocess_shell.

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