Twitter Eye is a Twitter Information Gathering Tool With Twitter Eye



Twitter Information Gathering Tool

Twitter Eye is a Twitter Information Gathering Tool With Twitter Eye, you can search with various keywords and usernames on Twitter. Then the data you get is saved in a .csv file. This is to make it easy to read. You can then open these files in Excel, LibreOffice or etc. Twitter Eye is WITHOUT an API Key that you need with most tools for Twitter.

"Let's make everything easy"..

Since I'm currently working on a project and I've created this script for it, I thought it would be a good idea to make it public for everyone to benefit from.

Hi there, Shall we play a game..? 😃

Have some fun..!


Install Twitter Eye:

To get started with Twitter Eye, you obviously have python3 and pip3 installed.

If you haven't installed this yet, enter the following commands:

sudo apt install python3

sudo install python3-pip

Install the GitHub Repository Twitter Eye:

git clone

cd twitter-eye

pip3 install -r requirements.txt




Here's the video I made of Twitter Eye


Invite LBRY:$/invite/@hackingpassion:9

Feel welcome to join 😃

Contact to coder

Social Networks - Connect


I have developed Twitter Eye because I am passionate about this. Donations are one of the many ways to support what I do.


BAT: Use Brave and donate on any of my web pages/profiles


Jolanda de Koff
"You can create art & beauty with a computer and Hacking is not a hobby but a way of life. I ♥ open source.
Jolanda de Koff

Jd_Seckill 特别声明: 请添加个人微信:19972009719 进群交流讨论 目前群里很多人抢到【扫描微信添加群就好,满200关闭群,有喜欢薅信用卡羊毛的也可以找我交流】 本仓库发布的jd_seckill项目中涉及的任何脚本,仅用于测试和学习研究,禁止用于商业用途,不能保证其合法性,准确性

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